04| Wands

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The dungeons of Hogwarts school was overtaken by unusual sounds that Sunday morning, the sound of scraping and Severus groaned in annoyance after half an hour of it, sitting at his desk attempting to get in some last-minute reading before the anno...

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The dungeons of Hogwarts school was overtaken by unusual sounds that Sunday morning, the sound of scraping and Severus groaned in annoyance after half an hour of it, sitting at his desk attempting to get in some last-minute reading before the annoyance of student chatter and presence interfered. He didn't, however, get that opportunity. Storming from his room in angry annoyance, he found the door opposite wide open, groaning, he instantly knew who was causing his displeasure.

"What are you doing?" he questioned, leaning in the doorway of her classroom, within the room, Caledonia was leaning against desks with all her weight to push them across the room and he was positive she was only doing it to get on his nerves. Glancing up as if she hadn't noticed his presence- even though the slam of his door opposite should've been enough- she beamed brightly.

"Severus! Welcome" she smiled innocently and he just blinked at her before repeating his question.

"What are you doing?"

"Changing around the tables... obviously" she scoffed.


"Because" she groaned out in feigned exasperation, her eyes glittering. "I don't like the layout of it." Caledonia waved her hand randomly around the room before continuing to push the tables, she was pushing them into a horseshoe shape around her own desk, rather than its previous rows.

"What was wrong with the layout of it?" he sighed in annoyance, yet again, making absolutely no motion to help her as he continued to stand leaning in the doorway. The brunette woman used her slender arms to push one table, putting all of her strength into it. But, rather than the table moving, she slid backwards and he had the vague desire to chuckle at the sight of it.

"Looked too much like a classroom" she puffed air out of her cheeks, sighing in resignation as she stopped pushing the desk for a moment. He laughed out bitterly at her.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe... It's supposed to" he clicked his tongue and she turned to him with narrowed eyes.

"Now, I don't like your tone Severus" she accused, wagging a finger at him and he rose an eyebrow, unimpressed, arms crossed.

"Pity" Snape scoffed in return. "Why aren't you using your wand? Or are you too incapable to use magic to move a table?"

"...Just because you have a wand, Severus... Doesn't mean you have to whip it out for everything" she smiled, suddenly turning to him, stalking to close the gap so she stood less than an arms width away. Snape did not back down, staring down at her with his dark eyes. "Unless of course, you'd like too" she smirked devilishly and he frowned, narrowing his eyes in confusion, he couldn't understand whatever hidden meaning she was intending at the confusion on his face only made her laugh more, in a cheeky giggle that was oddly beautiful to him. "I could do with your help" she batted her eyelashes and he frowned.

"Pity" he repeated and twisted on his heel, storming away, back to his classroom. Caledonia hummed as she watched him slam his door. She didn't know what it was about Severus Snape but before he resisted the urge to be dazzled by her like most men... The more attractive she found him. In fact, Caledonia had never found herself more attracted to a gentleman in her life.

Returning to pushing the tables, she made sure to make exaggerated noise of it... Just to annoy the potions teacher across the hallway.

A few hours later, when the opening feast was moments from beginning, Snape evaded his office for the first time that day, hoping futilely that the brunette woman was already in the Great Hall. His hopes were, however, not rewarded. The moment he stepped out of his office, he noticed her door was open and across the room, lying across her desk lazily, book in hand, was Caledonia Merlin.

For a moment, Severus just paused and stared, she was utterly stunning, that much was true. The dresses she wore were tight, accentuating her curved body beneath her cloak. Her hair framed her heart-shaped face gloriously and fell down to her waist in large voluminous curls the colour of the sky at night, sparkling a vague brown in the sunshine. Her eyes were innocent and doe-like, aside from the glittering of mischief that danced around inside them. She was beautiful, he did not need to be told that. But she was also a devil in disguise.

She taunted him, almost as if she could clearly see how attracted he was to her despite how desperately annoying she was. She teased him and he could not understand why. Caledonia's flirting irked Snape and he refused to succumb to it because he knew in himself that a girl like her would never be attracted to a guy like him and therefore, she must be playing a game of sorts. A game that he wanted no part of.

Severus Snape had long since accepted that his heart belonged to another... Another who he could never have. Not only because she had been happily married... But now because she was dead. And that didn't matter because he had vowed to love her until the day he joined her in the afterlife, and no woman had ever come along to disrupt that desire. Caledonia Merlin, in just a day, had gained his attention. She got on his last nerve in under a second but he found himself oddly attracted to it. He could stand and watch her aimlessly for hours.

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