02| Hogwarts

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Caledonia Merlin stropped like a child, arm linked with Professor Albus Dumbledores as she walked the grounds of Hogwarts school

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Caledonia Merlin stropped like a child, arm linked with Professor Albus Dumbledores as she walked the grounds of Hogwarts school. Her demands and arguments had been completely ignored and she had been shipped off eagerly to Scotland, where the cold weather already did not agree with her and she was demoted to teaching. Caledonia, the beautiful heir of Merlin, was to be a support teacher, giving lessons to children who were struggling... She was not fond of the idea.

"Our teachers arrive this evening," Dumbledore informed her casually as they walked the length between the castle and the black lake. Although Caledonia appreciated the beauty of the setting, she was most unimpressed with her new circumstances. She had vowed, the night they sent her here, that they would regret the decision. If they were going to treat her like a child, she would most certainly behave like one.

"Charming" her voice was utterly void of all emotion. She had no qualms against the older man, he had been nothing but pleasant towards her but she was noticeably irritated by the entire ordeal. In the back of her mind, questions sprung to mind as to whether she should have just agreed to marry Magnus Avery all those years ago...

"I believe you shall get on brilliantly with them all." he nodded, ignoring her cold tone as the sun sprinkled down upon their heads. The beading of her dress glinted in the falling sunlight and she smiled sweetly at him. This was not Albus Dumbledore's fault.

"Oh yes, I cannot wait" her eyes glinted mischievously and Dumbledore beamed in return. "While I have your attention, Albus. I believe there is a matter we must discuss."

"I apologise Miss Merlin but your living conditions are set in stone," he informed her softly, not taking his eyes off of the glittering water of the lake. He could practically feel her annoyance through the arm she had linked with his.

"But Albus, the dungeons? Surely that is a mockery!" Caledonia exasperated once more. "Am I not even entitled to a window?!"

"Miss Merlin, my dear, the dungeons are the emptiest part of the castle. In them, lives only one other teacher, I assumed that you would approve of the seclusion and quiet. Unfortunately, I seem to be wrong, but the decisions have been made." Dumbledore finally turned to look into her eyes and amusement almost painted his lips with a smile when he took in her expression, he was sure she would stamp her foot like a child if she did not have more dignity than that.

Five and a half hours later, Dumbledore had lost amusement at her childish ways. She now sat silently, arms crossed in a huff as they situated themselves in the Great Hall, awaiting the teachers. Albus could've closed his eyes in blissful peace at the calm of the silence after hours of being talked at by the brunette woman. His patience was not rewarded for long, however, as the doors at the far end of the hall opened and a group of mismatched teachers entered, discussing animatedly to one another with common pleasantries.

"Ahh, welcome, welcome" he cheered perhaps too excitably and was acutely aware of a smirk rise on the young woman's cheeks when she witnessed how thrilled he was for a different company. Caledonia knew that she was being difficult, that was a fact but she felt she was entitled, having been shipped off for no reason other than convenience. It was true, her secluded life and homeschooling had allowed her to master many things and she would be a marvellous teacher... She just didn't want to be one.

"Professor" a voice chipped, the group had crowded around the teachers table for their first dinner together. "There seems to be somebody in my seat." the voice was bitter but handsome, that much was clear before the brunette even turned and she placed her most dazzling smile on her features as she turned to face him. Caledonia adored the way men's eyes lit up at the sight of her, she was particularly cheeky in that regard.

The man before her was tall, skin pale and body toned. His thick dark hair fell perfectly around his face and his incredibly dark eyes stared at her. He was older, that much was clear, but not be much. He was handsome in her eyes. When his dark eyes fell upon her flirtatious grin, he merely rose an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Ah yes, Severus. This is Caledonia Merlin... Miss Merlin, meet Professor Severus Snape." Dumbledore gestured to the girl and she smiled cheerily, again searching for any form of expression from the man. She got nothing but a blink in return, face completely unreadable.

"A pleasure" he nodded though his voice was barren of any and all positive emotion. He seemed as disgruntled at being there as Caledonia as he turned sharply and slumped into the seat beside her, refusing to shake her hand or acknowledge her further. The brunette princess merely stared in horror at the audacity of his rudeness, doe eyes piercing continually into the side of his face as he sipped his pumpkin juice. He did not respond to her fuming expression and she huffed.

Albus Dumbledore's eyes twinkled in amusement. Severus Snape had unknowingly, unwittingly, achieved the interest of Caledonia Merlin and the headmaster was just glad that somebody else could be on the receiving end of her anger now. To all others Albus introduced, Caledonia smiled and beamed pleasantries.

"Miss Merlin here has come to be the new student aid."

"You could work anywhere in the country Miss Merlin, yet you choose here?" Professor Sprout implored eagerly, in a dizzy fangirl frenzy at the sight of a famed Merlin in their school. Smiling at the woman, Caledonia was aware of a dark gaze flicked to her face but she held his attention for merely a second before he went back to neatly cutting the food on his plate, oblivious to her charm.

"Ah yes, well... I do love children." she beamed and Sprout seemed to appreciate her response, even as Caledonia turned her twinkling, mischievous gaze to Dumbledore who nodded in approval.

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