One kiss is all it takes

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"Let me go," Pete screamed at Vegas struggling to escape his firm grip, dragging Pete away from the crowd of boys. He wished to talk to Pete and decided it would be best to do so in private, specifically after sensing the anger laced in Pete's words towards him, thus reaching to the decision of dragging him away. He blatantly ignored Pete's struggles to remove his iron grip... his first mistake.

Before Vegas could drag him any further towards his car, Pete managed to pull away and push him at the edge of the parking lot. Silence and heavy breaths surrounded them as Pete's eyes continued to boar into Vegas' with anger. All of a sudden, Vegas felt he was speechless, as if all the words inside him were drained out. What was he supposed to do? Explain his stance, maybe beg for forgiveness or possibly talk about letting each other go; his thoughts started spiraling as his gaze lowered a bit.

He was brought out of his trance with Pete's hand contacting his cheek in a sharp blow. His face turned right, a red hand faintly printing on his sharp cheek.

"How dare you try to toy with me? You crash my place, spend your time coaxing and flirting with me, seek my comfort at random times and then disappear without any notice. You ignored countless messages, ignored all my calls for more than a week and now dare to claim ownership over me?" Pete screamed, his voice echoing in the empty parking lot.

Vegas' eyes softened immediately, guilt painting all over his face as he tried to approach Pete, "Pete, I am sorry, I am really sorry. I know–"

He was cut off by another loud voice from Pete, "No, you are not sorry. If you were, you would've apologized or reached out to me. You have time to go to the movies, clearly showcasing you had time. I thought we were going well but clearly not, because you chose to ignore me. Did you really chase me just for sex? Was I just another body for you to fuck around with,? Answer me!"

Tears started to fill their eyes, both refusing to let it drop.

Vegas softened his tone more, "I didn't want to Pete. Fuck, I am really sorry. I am. It's just, I wanted to protect you. You are better off without me by your side. I'm not a good person. It was for you, angel. Trust me."

Pete scoffed as he continued to scrutinize Vegas, his face flushed red with anger as a tear managed to roll down. "Huh!? It was for me? Really? Who let you decide what is good for me? Shouldn't it be my decision? I have feelings too, Vegas. I am a human. You can't throw me away whenever you want to. You can't." He slid down, crouching on his knees, tears flowing down his cheeks. Vegas kneeled to the same level as he managed to take Pete in his embrace, his eyes now shedding too.

Pete grabbed Vegas' shirt as he hit small punches mumbling "you can't" repeatedly with heavy sobs. Vegas ran his hand over Pete's back as a sign of comfort while whispering apologies, aiming to redeem himself, even though he knew he messed up really badly.

They remained down, sprawled over each other in the parking lot, with tears-painted faces for a while. As Pete slowly gained his composure, he released himself from the intimate hug, standing up while hastily wiping his cheeks. Vegas followed the same course of actions as he worded out an apology once more. This time, both feeling more calm and collected with the crash of a high surge of emotions.

"Pete, I am really sorry baby. It's just... I was out of it. I had a fall out with my brother and my father, and concluded I was meant to hurt everybody around me. I couldn't dare to hurt you and knowing you would be better off without me, I chose that path, even if it was tormenting me," his voice trailed down towards the end.

"Vegas..." Pete extended his trembling palms, cupping Vegas' cheeks as they locked their eyes onto the other, "I've heard from Macau about the fight. Not the entirety, but enough to know you were hurt by blatant words. And even if you were a threat, isn't it my choice? I've mentioned it before and I will say it once again, I choose you. I wish to be your space. You've made me feel safe and wanted after years. You made me feel lively again. Don't you dare try to leave me again without a notice? I was so worried about you."

Pete's words were cut by Vegas' sudden action, as he pulled their bodies closer, their lips crashing over each other. The distance between them melted away as their lips met in a desperate, hungry kiss. It was a kiss born of longing, of anger, of forgiveness. Their bodies pressed together, a silent plea for reconciliation.

When they finally broke apart, their breaths were ragged, their hearts pounding in unison. They looked into each other's eyes, a silent promise passing between them.

"I love you Pete," Vegas managed to word out amidst their heavy breathing, foreheads resting against each other. "I am aware I haven't been the best, but please give me a chance. I was attracted to you the moment I first saw you but your cheerful personality, the comfort and care you provided to me, practically a stranger, made me fall deep for you. I love you so much angel."

The words did take Pete in a shock for a second before he released a small smile. A smile translating to happiness and comfort that he felt. "I love you too Vegas," he replied, not wanting to let the other man wait. A kiss, though more slower and calmer than before, followed. It was sweet and harmonious, both tasting each other passionately. When they finally broke apart, their breaths were ragged, their hearts pounding in unison. They looked into each other's eyes, a silent promise passing between them.

"If you dare to ignore me again, don't forget I'm good at boxing too." A giggle escaped Vegas' lips as he pulled apart, his hands still on Pete's temple.

"Do you want to get out of here..." Vegas took a pause licking his already moist lips, "and maybe go somewhere together angel?"

"But the rest–"

"Macau had messaged me that the rest would be continuing without the two of us. So, I think it's okay. What do you say angel?"

Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behindWhere stories live. Discover now