Bounty of Wolves

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That doesn't make it fair, that doesn't make it right, you can't put a price on the sanctity of life,

Can't put a price on the importance of free will,

Can't put a price on the necessity of needs filled,

Against someone who wishes to demean and go against your convictions, evoke the 7 of wands, dig into your heels,

You can speak up and raise your voice,

For you, like everyone else, has always had this choice,

I know it may be scary to push against the tide,

Please remember that most people are wanting to go to the wide path,

That everyone has a Jekyll and a Hyde,

Anyone is capable of anything,

Once their backs are against the wall, forced into the ring,

They may be Muhammad Ali or a canary that sings,

You honestly just never know,

Be mindful of blindly giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, trust your inner voice,

Otherwise, you may be filled with knives in the back and feelings of woe.

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