Change knocks at one's door,
No answer; at times we hide in the bathtub waiting for it to go away,
Maybe it does, for a time, but it always comes back,
Sometimes She kicks down the door,
She glides into the restroom and gives us chance after chance,
"Open the door and allow yourself to be free,"
One of the constants in the world,
A reality of cause-and-effect that brings us experiences,
The Law of Vibration states everything is in constant motion, no matter how seemingly still,
In this awareness, the cataclysm begins,
Whether of joy or woe is depending on the perception,
Why mindfulness is optimal for one's health,
What beliefs do you hold — and are they of lack, or abundance and wealth?
What you believe, you shall be affirmed of and see,
There goes the Law of Reciprocity.
The Tarot's Tower sometimes brings to us Death,
Of the old and outdated, making space for the new,
If we allow it and rebuke the Devil's temptation of arrogance, excess, and stagnation,
And step back into Temperance's healing wings of balance,
Variety, spice, and expansion are what Changes bring,
Allowing yourself to go with the flow of the Universe's heartbeat,
That can be what invokes you to sing.
Poems, Prose & Short Stories Galore: Heartfelt Proof of Life Lived
PoetryBeyond here is an assortment of poems, prose, and short stories that I have created throughout my life of living. Some may be adorable, some may be heart-wrenching --- all of them come with emotion. They have been created during breakups, get-togeth...