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To sense that something is amiss,

You feel far away, right next to them,

The feeling of not-enough-ness,

I thought I could push past the discomfits,

Personality clashes, they thought they could change you,

Making a fuss over nothing,

"I can make you feel better," Okay, for how long? I get weary of the same old song,

Besides, isn't that my responsibility?

How does heartbreak feel? Like a sharp stabbing pain, like a dull ache, like a fearful jumpstart, like a knowing yearning in the heart, the pain of being apart,

To remember in nostalgia of what could've been,

If only, if only, if only,

To accept the past as it is,

Knowing that you'll be missed,

"I wish I could get one last kiss,"

Self-punishment — "Here and there is where you went wrong,"

Too thoughtless, too careless,

And still oh so grateful, to dredge up what is repressed,

Love can be such a weakness, when mishandled or misunderstood,

Is it better to not have loved at all, or to have loved and lost, a time-honored question,

To heal is to take time, give time, rest in time,

And to have peace in the knowing that love was always here, it was always mine.

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