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Laughter, a tonic,

Healing the heart and stomach,

Always there to have.

I forgive and leave,

The past behind so that I,

Can feel peace within.

Remembering a

Moment of the past, a glimpse,

A deep breath given.

A smiling face,

Turbulent thoughts lurk within,

Pushed back with a force.

Divine guidance speaks,

In whispers and in shouts firm,

With loving kindness.

How can one be soft?

In a world tricked to be cruel,

To care for them all?

Foundations of love,

Build the walls of peace and joy,

That is how one heals.

Angel numbers bound,

One with its vibration,

To breathe and live deep.

Just because, I love,

And so I love just because,

As below, above.

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