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Irene also kissed him back because Min Hyun deepened the kiss.

Passcode digits clicking...
Taehyung opened the door and entered her apartment. Taehyung heard some noise.
He moved forward and....
He saw irene and Min Hyun kiss each other.
Irene's face was in front of him while Min Hyun's back was facing him.
As min hyun moved toward her neck and placed wet kisses. Irene felt something strange. Irene saw taehyung staring at her with red eyes.
He was looking scary and angry.
Irene who was so studded to see him after many days.
She forgot about min hyun and just saw taehyung .
Taehyung wanted to beat that man so hard. Irene eyes glisten with tears .
Tears of happiness
Tear of regrets
Taehyung fastened his step toward the exit and took a large step toward his car.

Meanwhile Irene pushes min hyun.
"Min hyun can you please wait for me for 5 minutes. I will be back please"Irene said as she got up from the couch.
Min hyun was dumbfounded but nodded yes.
Irene behind taehyung but she did not even see his back. Irene ran fast to catch him.
Taehyung was out of the building and clicked his car keys to open the lock.
Irene saw him and she ran fast to see his face for even a few seconds.
"Stop there " irene yelled and taehyung turned around.
Irene ran toward him and catch breath.
Taehyung glared at her and turned his body toward her.
"Why did you come here. Your lover must be mad"Taehyung said in a sarcastic tone.
Irene who was just staring at taehyung.
She was beyond happy to see his face.
Taehyung sharpened his glare.
"Are you mad or you are just trying to act like. Just go away or i will do something miserable with you " taehyung said.
"You came back.... I mean you are back na." Irene blinked a few times and a smile appeared on her lips.
Taehyung was annoyed by her.
Taehyung just moved toward his car. Irene grabbed his arm and made him turn around.
"Can you please stay here for a few seconds. Pleaseee " Irene pleaded.
Taehyung clinched his jaw but stayed there.
Irene just examined his face.
"You know what you are really a whore. You left your lover and now staring at my face. I think no one believes your story that's why you are here. Go away from me. You prostitute " taehyung fumed with anger and let out venom words out of his mouth .
Irene felt like someone stabbed her heart with words.
"Why do you always say these words.... Why. Why you blame me for everything. I am mad to think... I am mad to fall......
Just go. Go and never come back. Never come back. Why are you even here. Why did you come to my home. Whhyyyyy---- just go" irene hit his arm and pushed him away.
Irene was crying and hitting his arm.
Reality hit taehyung .
Taehyung stepped back and saw her one last time.
Irene also made her toward her apartment.
Taehyung was gone, irene turned her head but he was already gone.


"Irene are you okay you suddenly left me . " Min hyun got up and made irene sit on the couch.
Irene now understood that taehyung will not be her.
Irene kissed min hyun . Min hyun also responded to kiss fast. Irene wraps her hands around his neck.
Min hyun grabs her and makes his way toward the bedroom. He laid her down and hovered above her.
"I love you irene" min hyun said and placed wet kisses on her neck.
Irene just smiled in response and tears escaped her eyes.
He removed her shirt and unstrapped her bra.
Irene grabs his hand to stop him.
Min hyun looked at her with a questioned look.
"Min hyun can we proceed slowly. I mean as we are starting from A so we should take these steps slower..." Irene said .
"Huhh but irene .... Okay as you wish" min hyun then laid beside her and hug her tightly.
Irene just let him do it. Min hyun slept there with irene in his arms. Irene tried to sleep but her eyes remembered his face whenever she closed her eyes.

Taehyung was now in his room.
He really hates irene with min hyun.
"Taehyung gets a grip. Damn with her . Why are you so concerned about her. "
Taehyung said loudly and threw the glass of water far away.
It shattered into tiny pieces.


"Good morning love now wake up " min hyun said in his sleepy voice.
Irene flinched.
"Are you okay"
"Huu.. yes i am fine. Min hyun i will be late from the office so i can't make you breakfast."
"You are not going to the office. Resign " min hyun said authoritatively.
"But hyun i have to go to submit my resign application and i will take a week for the  whole process "
"Aghh okay" min hyun said annoyingly.
Irene plastered a smile on her face and got up from the bed. Min hyun was already wearing his shoes. Min hyun bide farewell with her and briefly kissed her.
Irene after 5 minutes also left for the office.
Irene was not happy because of last night's incident but her heart is lightened because now she has no hopes. She will forget him.
The most difficult task for her.
Irene sat on her office chair and opened her laptop.
Irene started to write down her resignation letter and after 30 minutes she closed the tab and took deep breath.
She needed a coffee so she grabbed a coffee from the cafeteria and was filling her cup when someone came in.
Irene eyes looked at the man standing in front of him.
Kim taehyung.
"Follow me" taehyung said and turned around.
Irene didn't move an inch.
"I said follow me--" taehyung said in his deep voice.
He left her alone in the room. Irene also took small steps toward him.
Taehyung entered the storage room.
Irene stopped but some voices are telling her to go.
Irene entered the room and closed the door.
Taehyung stared at her face and then came forward. Irene's back hit the door.
They were a few inches away from each other.
"So you did it with him last night" taehyung asked without any hesitation.
Irene quickly said.
"Here" he offered her his handkerchief.
"For what" irene asked with a frowned look.
"Seems like you want to show everyone" he pointed toward her neck.
Irene touches her neck but finds nothing.
She panicked and searched for her scarf but she forgot about it.
Taehyung came forward and covered her neck with a handkerchief. Irene held her breath because he was so close to her.
His cherry lips caught her attention.
Taehyung stepped back .
Irene let out her breath and adjusted her scarf.
"So he accepted you" taehyung asked as he laid her back to the wall.
Irene took a breath.
"Yes and i am resigning from this job. And you would be very happy cause i am leaving you. I mean you will never see a prostitute like me " irene burst out with emotions.
Taehyung's gaze softened as she mentioned her resignation.
He looks at her for a while which makes Irene more irritated.
"I hate you.... You made me crazy. Just go away until i lose my mind"Irene said irritatingly.
Taehyung took a step closer and slowly grabbed her both hands.
Irene felt like she was craving for his touch for a long time.
Irene looked tense and looked into Taehyung's eyes.
"I lo--- .... Leave me "Irene said with heavy breath.
He leaned toward her ear and whispered.
" A prostitute like you doesn't deserve this kind of job. Good for you and that guy he is the most unluckiest man i have ever seen"
Irene as soon as she heard these words she couldn't hold him. She pushed him and ran away.
Taehyung smirks but deep down sadness Eroses.

Vrene or taennie.
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