"Stay with me"

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"Stay with me" I whispered like a mantra in his ears whilst the bullet wound in his left side continued to bleed. "Come on you're going to be fine but you can't close those eyes pretty boy wait for the ambulance. If you die - who- who am I supposed to compete against who-"

"Stacy-" his eyes find mine, "I'm going to be ok, you ain't winning that easy," he let out a low chuckle, before breaking out into a coughing fit, his hand clenching mine. "Aw don't cry- I'll start thinking you care," his soft trembling hand wiped the single tear that fell down my face.

"As if I'd ever care about you" I joked, his breaths swallowing, eyes fluttering. "Eyes open pretty boy, if you die right now, after everything, I'll kill you," my hands stroking his hair, mentally begging God to hurry the damn ambulance.


"Shh, save the strength, you'll need every inch of your little strength to fight for this. Don't give up. Don't you dare give up Charlie, not today, not any day. Never." I kept speaking, relief flooding in as sirens were heard in the distance. Thank-you God. Thank-you.

"Stace-" he coughed, blood drooling onto my lap. "I love you, pretty girl" his eyes fluttering shut.

"No, no don't say that, you'll be ok. You have to be ok," no response, no rising chest. "I love you too pretty boy," my lips grazed his forehead, tears streaming.

"Hi, I'm John, this is Lacy and we're paramedics. We're going to help-

Too late...

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