ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3: "ᴅᴀɪʟʏ ᴇᴄʜᴏᴇꜱ"

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♥༻∞ ʟᴇᴇ ᴍɪɴʜᴏ ∞༺♥

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∞ ʟᴇᴇ ᴍɪɴʜᴏ ∞

The next day at the office, I found myself somewhat adrift, the computer mouse cold in my hand as I stared at the glowing screen. My mind was elsewhere, endlessly replaying the dream from the previous night. Every memory of my encounter with Jisung looped through my mind with vivid clarity, igniting a gentle warmth that pooled in my stomach and spread throughout my body, coaxing a faint smile onto my lips as I gently bit down on them.

Jisung's eyes, so remarkably expressive, seemed to gaze at me from the depths of my recollection, his smile lingering in my mind like a cherished melody. Even the sound of his voice echoed through my thoughts, its soothing timbre making it increasingly difficult to focus on the spreadsheets and emails that demanded my attention. Each detail about him was etched into my memory, vividly, as if he had been there in the flesh rather than just a figure in my dream.

Sitting there, it was hard to remain composed, to keep my emotions from spilling over. Just the thought of him stirred something deep within me, a feeling that wasn't quite attraction but a profound emotional connection that left me unsettled. It was a recognition of something intimate and profound, an understanding that reached beyond the usual confines of new acquaintances, touching something raw and untouched within me.

"Jisung," I whispered absentmindedly, the name slipping from my lips as I tried to piece together the significance of our meeting. Each repetition of his name seemed to bring him closer to reality, blurring the lines between the dream world and my office environment. I found myself grappling with a mix of emotions; the comfort and peace he offered in the dream contrasted sharply with the trepidation I felt now, facing the day with his memory so vividly imprinted in my mind.

The emotional resonance of the dream was disconcerting, leaving me to wonder about the nature of such dreams. Could they merely be random synapses firing in the night, or might they carry a deeper, more personal message? The more I pondered, the more I felt drawn to the idea that this dream was not just a simple escape from reality but a window into a part of myself that needed expression, a part that perhaps Jisung symbolized or awakened.

Just then, my office door swung open and Chan stepped inside, whistling a cheerful tune. He stopped in his tracks as he caught my gaze, and I quickly snapped my head his way, suppressing a smile before turning back to face the computer. I clicked through, pulling up my coding programs with a heavy sigh. I would be lying if I said that those fleeting dreams hadn't made me grow oddly attached to Jisung's presence. It was something I couldn't quite explain, but knowing I could be completely myself in those dreams made it increasingly difficult to stay present in reality. I longed to return to bed, to fall asleep and wake up there beside him, perhaps at some random location in Seoul where I could just see him again.

The thought tugged at me, a blend of wishful thinking and a poignant yearning for that surreal connection to spill over into my waking hours. Chan, noticing my distracted demeanor, raised an eyebrow and approached my desk.

𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐲: ᴍɪɴꜱᴜɴɢWhere stories live. Discover now