Chapter IV-Outsider

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    The next morning birds chirp and the sun has barely begun to climb over the horizon when Dawn's eyes flutter open. The sinking pit of guilt weighs down her stomach as she sits up in bed. Out her window she can see fish swim by in the lake and notices all of the other Slytherin third year girls are still asleep. Ophillia nuzzles her head into Dawn's hand and Juliet is purring on her legs.
    After some good morning pets she crawls out of bed and grabs her clothes and makeup from her trunk. She shuffles to the adjoined bathroom and begins to get ready for the day. Once she's pulled her jumper and boots on she quietly calls for Ophillia to follow her down the stairs to the common room.
    Half way down Ophillia bolts for a chair in the corner of the room and Dawn hurries after her, "Ophillia!" She quietly calls to the German Sheppard who doesn't even hesitate in her actions.
    "Back off you bloody mutt!" A cold voice hisses at the dog that had begun to climb in the chair. "Get off!" The voice shouted again.
    "Ophillia come!" Dawn huffed trying to catch her breath. She rounded the end of the stairs to see none other than Draco Malfoy standing on next to his chair trying to push a playful Ophillia off of himself. "Ophillia now." Dawn demanded as she snapped and pointed to her side.
    At that Ophillia finally seemed to notice her and came running over only to sit next to her feet, wagging her tail as if she hadn't been a nuisance moment ago. "Dogs aren't even allowed at Hogwarts." Malfoy snapped. His hair was slick back as always but now he wore the signature Slytherin tie with a white button up, black slacks and nice leather shoes. His eyes appeared almost green with the tinge of the Slytherin colored fire burning before them.
    "Yeah well, she's all I've got left of my parents." Dawn replied coldly before picking Ophillia up in her arms. The pup had grown in the last few months but was still small enough to be held, at least for now.
    "Keep that thing away from me." Malfoy huffed before returning to his leather chair and picking up his book. The same book he'd taken from Dawn at the bookshop.
    "Is it any good at least?" She asked rolling her eyes.
    "What?" Malfoy snarled.
    "The book. The one you got at the shop that day. I haven't had a chance to read it myself." Dawn says awkwardly petting Ophillia.
    " is." Malfoy said looking almost taken aback.
    "Good to know. I'm going for a walk with Ophillia, would you like to join or are you too afraid of my fluffball?" She asked finally meeting the boys silver gaze.
    "I wouldn't be caught dead taking a walk with you Weaslett." Malfoy huffed rolling his eyes before returning to his book.
    "Suit yourself Malfoy." Dawn shrugged before leaving the common room. She couldn't get his Silver eyes out of her mind. It had always been her favorite color.


    Later at lunch Dawn decides to find the library in order to avoid eating alone again. Malfoy being the prick he was ruined their first Care of  Magical Creatures lesson with Professor Hagrid and was now in the Hospital Wing. He's such a twat. Dawn thought as she began scanning book shelves in search of something interesting.
The Weasley's other than Ginny still refused to talk to her, convinced she was evil now that she'd been sorted into Slytherin. It hurt Dawn a great deal to have her family turn on her because she was different. Another pang of anguish priced her heart at the thought. Different. That word made her stomach churn. She was always going to be different. Outcasted even amongst the people who were suppose to love her. She was a snake in a lion's den.
A hot, salty tear streamed down her cheek and dripped onto the floor below. Then came another. And another. Before she knew it she was stood alone in an empty isle silently crying. "Are you okay?" A small voice asked, making Dawn jump. "I didn't mean to startle you."
It was Hermione. She was dressed in her Gryffindor red and holding a pile of books as her overflowing bag hung at her side. "No..." Was all Dawn was able to choke out before she dropped to her knees and began sobbing. Hermione set her stuff on the ground and sat next to Dawn, placing a reassuring arm over her shoulders. "My family hates me—" Dawn croaked.
"It's going to be okay, they don't hate you. They're just stubborn idiots. You just have to give them some time." Hermione reassured, rubbing Dawns heaving back.
"But what if it isn't okay? What if I'm always going to be an outsider looking in?" Dawn's sobs had subsided and now only a few straggling tears crept down her now rosy cheeks.
"Well, I'll be here. So will Ginny. We won't leave you alone and I know the boys will all come around in their own time. You have to remember they don't have the best experience with Slytherins." She reminded.
"Yeah, but they know me. We use to play as children and we've spent all summer together. You'd think they would understand I'm not evil simply because I'm a Slytherin..." Dawn sniffed, wiping her bloodshot eyes.
"I'll talk to them okay?" Hermione offered.
"Thank you." Dawn whimpered.

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