Chapter III-House or Home?

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    On September 1st Ministery cars came to pick up the Weasley's, Dawn, Harry, And Hermione. Once they made it to Kings Cross Station they all grab a trolly for their trunks and such. Dawn put Juliet in the basket in her carrier and Ophillia walked on her side attached to a short black leash. The autumn air was crisp and cool on her face as she pushed her trolly into the station.
    "Now Dawn, you see that pillar over there that says Platform 9 3/4?" Mr. Weasley asked.
    "Yes..." Dawn replied skeptically.
    "Try to blend in and walk strait into it and it'll lead you to the train platform. Dawn stared at Mr. Weasley in disbelief and uncertainty. "Just trust me. Watch the twins do it first." He said pointing Fred and George out.
    They went one by one and sure enough they passed straight through the brick pillar. First Fred and next George a few seconds behind him. Dawn nodded at Mr. Weasley before confidently making her way to the pillar, pulling Ophillia close. A knot formed in her stomach as she approached the bricks and closed her eyes. Suddenly it was bright and she opened her ice colored orbs. There's was a large scarlet engine and families were saying goodbye and boarding the train. Soon they had all made it through to the platform and they all loaded their trunks.
    Dawn hugged Mr. and Mrs. Weasley hard before telling them she loved them. Once they boarded the train and said their goodbyes Dawn went with Ginny to a cabin with a few others inside. There was a girl with deep blue orbs, and straight white hair. She gave Dawn and Ginny a smile before placing odd pink glasses back on and reading a magazine upside down. Then there was a round boy with short brown hair and mossy green eyes. He smiled and greeted the two with a hello.
    "Nevil, Luna, this is my sister Dawn." Ginny said as she dragged her to a seat. The two shook her hand and greeted her before returning to their seats. Dawn let Ophillia off of her leash and Juliet out of her carrier before leaning her head against the window of the train. Eventually Dawn dozed off to sleep.


    Hours later Dawn awakened looking around the dim cabin. The overhead light began to flicker then died. The train began to slow down and the already cool air dropped to a freezing temperature. They could see their breaths in the air and began looking around in panic. Suddenly students began screaming and the four teens backed theirselves as close to the windows as they could, afraid and confused. Suddenly a black figure was on the other side of the door and dragged it open with long black fingers. A cloaked creature entered the cabin and locked its target on Dawn. It grabbed ahold of her shoulders and almost instantly the little bit of happiness Dawn was able to hold onto was gone and she could hear screams, smell smoke, and feel the heat of a fire.
    Then she woke up. Laying on Ginny's lap as she stroked her hair the trio jumped once noticing she was awake. "You almost died!" Ginny exclaimed.
    "Where's the fire? Somebody's trapped in the fire!" Dawn asked as she shot up. She looked around wildly at the now calm train car.
    "There's no fire..." Ginny said confused.
    Suddenly the door slid open and there stood the boy from the bookstore and two goons on each side of him. "I heard someone fainted like Potter. Who was it?" He chuckled until his eyes locked with Dawns. "You..." he hissed.
"Go away Malfoy!" Ginny sneered. Malfoy. That was the infamous Draco Malfoy the Weasleys had told her about.
"Or what Weaslett?" He shot back with a scowl.
"Or I'll hex you." Dawn said stone cold. She wasn't going to let anybody talk down to or mistreat what family she had left.
"And who are you first year?" He snapped with a sneer.
"Dawn Aurora. And I'm a third year thank you." She hissed back.
"Didn't I already tell you to watch your back Aurora?" Malfoy spit.
"Or what? You'll run to Daddy? Guess what Malfoy, I don't care who you or your father is. You'll leave my family alone!" Dawn snarled.
"Family huh? Where's the red hair?" That stung Dawn straight through the heart. Just another reminder she didn't belong.
"Piss off Malfoy!" Dawn growled in a low voice. "Or I'll hex you into oblivion!"
"Mr. Malfoy, move along." A man said. He was pale and thin and covered in scars. "I'm Professor Lupin. Eat this, it'll help." He said handing Dawn a bar of chocolate, "How are you feeling?" He asked looking her over.
"I'm fine, just a bit tired." Dawn answered as she took a bite of the chocolate.
"The chocolate should help. We'll be arriving at the school shortly." He said before leaving the train car.


The scarlet engine arrived at its platform and students began unloading. "First yers and transfers this way!" A bellowing voice boomed from a man over eight feet tall. He had long busy brown hair and a beard to match. "Ello Dawn!" He cheered at her as she stood near him.
"Hello Sir." Dawn replied respectfully. Soon the train was empty and Dawn and the first years were directed to small boats. The boarded them and Dawn looked up at the night sky and its twinkling stars. It was cold and the wind was bitter, but it was all forgotten and they sailed around the bend.
There was Hogwarts in all its lit up glory. It was more beautiful than a Christmas tree and the stars combined. Finally the boats reach the shore and everybody unloads. They walk into the entrance and stand before large closed doors. A stern looking woman was waiting for them and she explained how they'd go in alphabetical order except for Dawn, she would go last as she was a third year.
The doors opened and a grand hall stood before the students. There were four long tables filled with students, floating candles hovered around in the air, and the night sky was visible through the ceiling. Dawn gasped in awe at the beautiful scene before she was swiftly urged forward into the end of a long line of first years. Professor McGonagall stood next to a stool that held up an old hat. The seam of the hat ripped open and the hat began to sing;

One thousand years ago this story starts
There were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen
They had a dream to teach all that they knew
Witches and wizards came far and it grew
'Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake
And a thousand years later the magic remains
Each house has its own personality
Each with its own formality
Every student must possess
Its own houses' characteristics
Listen to your choices carefully
For one day you will see
Why the house was chosen
For you specifically
Each holds its own surprise

At the end of the song McGonagall began to call first years up to the stool. Dawn felt her heart beating like drums in her chest as her mind began to race at what her future could hold. What houses were her parents in? What if she wasn't a Gryffindor like the Weasley's? What if- Her thought was cut off by her name being called, "Aurora, Dawn! Our third year transfer." McGonagall called sharply.
Hands shaking and heart racing Dawn approached the rickety stool and took a seat. The old hat was hovered onto her head and covering her eyes. She smelled mildew and felt a strange warmth settle over her. "Ahh yes..." a voice began in her mind. "You've got lots of bravery, ambition, loyalty, kindness, and an abundance of wisdom here." The voice hummed.
"I want to go to the house that will help me on my way to greatness..." Dawn thought as flashes of her parents flooded her mind. She only wanted to make them proud.
"I see...Well it better be..." The hat began before she felt a shift atop her head, "SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled to the crowed. The table dressed in green and silver erupted into claps and cheers as Dawn felt her heart drop like a rock in her stomach. She felt dizzy and her cheeks flushed at the revelation.
Scanning the crowd she locked eyes with Ginny and saw a look of worry etched onto her face. Looking around her she saw her new family and disgust plastered plainly on their faces. He heart felt like it stopped and she thought she might faint. "Go to your table dear." Professor McGonagall whispered, placing a hand in her back.

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