Chapter 38

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The carriage halted in front of house number five. Daniel opened the door, got down and assisted Eleanor down the steps.

He was about to lift the knocker when Eleanor held his hand, "It is quite late, the staff must be abed by now, there is no need to wake them up on my account."

Daniel looked at her questioningly. "What do you suggest we do then? Go back and enter through the servant's entrance?"

Eleanor's eyes lit with the prospect.

"Brilliant," she said excitedly.

"You have not lost your charm with your age, Daniel, I'm quite impressed."

Daniel sighed, "I was jesting Eleanor, and I'm hardly older."

"Be that as it may,"

Before he could protest any further, Eleanor had hiked up her skirts and had started walking towards the back.

"Eleanor, wait," he held her by her arm.

"I'm sure the servants won't mind waking up, considering the fact that you have a terrible headache."

"No, they probably won't mind. But I do. I will not have them inconvenienced on my account."

Daniel sighed again.

"Daniel, have you forgotten the way we used to sneak up to our chambers through the servant's entrance to avoid mother."

"After we had done some mischief," Daniel smiled at the memory.

"Yes," Eleanor beamed.

"Does that mean that you have done some mischief?" Daniel scowled.

"Oh, come now, Daniel, that is not what I meant, and you know it."

"What I know is that you are acting quite strangely of late. I have never known you to leave a party early either."

"As I said, there is a first to everything,"

Without waiting for a reply she went to the back entrance and up the stairs. After a couple of sighs, she heard Daniel's footsteps and shortly after he emerged.

"Would you like some hot milk? Shall I ring for some?"

"What part of I don't wish to wake up the servants did you not understand?" Eleanor grimaced.

Daniel held up his hands, "Sorry," he smiled. "Then what do you want?"

A thought crossed his mind, and he frowned, "Surely you don't want me to summon a doctor?"

"No. I do not want milk, and I certainly don't require a doctor. All I need is some rest, I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow morning."

Daniel looked at her for a moment. When he was sure she was speaking the truth, he said, "Alright then, by all means, go get some sleep."

She turned to go to her room but stopped short when she realised what he was about to do.

"And what are you going to do?"

"Hmm?" he stopped in the act of removing his coat. "I believe I'll go over some of my correspondence in the study, while I await mother."

"You'll wait for mother to return?" she asked.

"Yes, she will have to return eventually, won't she?"


"Where else?" He sounded amused.

That would create a major obstacle to her plans. No, that simply won't do. She had to think of something to make him leave the house.

"You can't stay here." she blurted.

Daniel stared at her. Then looked around as if to ascertain if he was indeed standing in his own house. That accomplished, he stared at her again. Hard.

"I can't stay here. And pray tell why."

"I mean, you can't stay here because... because mother is at the party. Alone."

He looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

"She will need the carriage to return home." Eleanor made an attempt to explain.

"I'll send the carriage, do not worry." he started going back.

"No!" Eleanor all but screamed. "You cannot just send the carriage."

Daniel raised a brow, and waited for her to explain further.

"You need to go as well," she exclaimed.

When he didn't comment upon it, she added, "To escort mother. Until father returns from his tour, it is your duty, being the man of the house, to escort the ladies," she assumed what she thought to be the air of righteous indignation.

Daniel looked at her, then blinked. "I assure you, mother is quite capable of returning home once I dispatch the carriage. Unlike you she is not some young unmarried lady to need a chaperone at all times."

When she opened her mouth, he held up a hand, "I will send a groom along,"

"Nevertheless, I would feel better if you accompanied mother home. There is no telling what transpires on the dark roads of London." Eleanor persisted.

Daniel tried to argue a lot, but in the end the persuasion of a sister won out and Daniel let out a heavy sigh. He muttered something under his breath. Something that sounded like young unmarried sisters and damned nuisance. At any other time, Eleanor would have taken outrage at that, but right now all she wanted was for him to leave the house.

"Alright, I'll go and escort mother home." He buttoned his coat again.

"But," he said just as Eleanor was about to thank him, "Lock the door behind me,"

"Your wish is my command," she smiled as Daniel rolled his eyes.


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