tokitou twins birthday special

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Hey everyone, I know I’m a bit late with this update, and I apologize for that. I’ve been working hard on it, but I've also been busy with some personal stuff. I managed to complete a couple of chapters for The Wolf and the Bunny— I’ve been putting a lot of effort into that. In fact, I’m considering turning it into a full book due to how extensive I plan to make it.

On top of that, I’ve been packing for a sleepover happening tomorrow, so I won’t be available much then. I’m genuinely sorry I couldn’t get this out yesterday, but these projects take time to perfect. My process involves creating a detailed base first, which can take up to five hours, as I need to establish the plot and outline everything. After that, I spend several more hours refining it to make sure it’s just right. I also read over my work multiple times to ensure it's polished before posting. That’s why many of my chapters are pre-made unless they’re requests, which are done from scratch.

Please understand that if I’m ever late, it’s because I’m dedicated to making sure everything I produce is the best it can be. By the way, this story is set in an AU where Yuichiro survived and became one of the Kakushi. Thank you all for your patience and support!

Reference photo for yuichiro:

Reference photo for yuichiro:

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Please enjoy


Tanjirous perspective

Today was an exciting day—it was the birthday of my crush, Muichiro, and his twin brother, Yuichiro. Muichiro was the Mist Pillar, and Yuichiro served as his personal Kakushi. I’ve had a crush on Muichiro since I first met him at the Swordsmith Village. He was a bit cold at first, but once I got to know him, I saw his softer side. He even allowed me to move on early when I trained at his dojo, a gesture I still cherish.

To celebrate their birthday, I decided to throw a surprise party. I enlisted the help of the Eclipse Pillar, Tsukuyomi Tsuki, who’s known for her creativity. She eagerly agreed to help me with the decorations and planning. We chose her dojo as the party venue since no one was training there at the moment. Tsuki’s friends joined in to help with the setup, and together we designed and sent out beautifully crafted invitations. The last few days had been a whirlwind of preparation, and now we were down to the final details.

“Can someone hand me the party streamers?” Tsuki called from atop a ladder as she hung up a large banner that read "Happy Birthday, Muichiro and Yuichiro!" in bright, handcrafted teal letters.

“What color do you need?” I asked, sorting through the streamers.

“Give me all of them. I have an idea,” she replied, climbing down the ladder.

I handed her the streamers—white, light teal, regular teal, and dark teal. She quickly began unraveling them, her hands moving with a purpose.

“What are you planning to do?” I asked, curious about her intentions.

“You’ll see,” she said with a mischievous grin. Then, glancing over at the table, she added, “Bakkyō, stop sneaking snacks! Those are for later. If I catch you again, I’ll nail your hand to the table. Kori, Yuzu, can you start wrapping the gifts?”

“On it!” Kori and Yuzu replied in unison, immediately getting to work.

Tsuki returned to her streamers, twisting the four colors together into a beautiful braid. She then carried the rolls over to the ladder, attaching the ends to the corners of the wall. Moving the ladder to the opposite side, she carefully measured, cut, twisted, and taped the streamers in place. The effect was stunning—a perfect blend of colors that added an elegant touch to the room.


An hour later, everything was ready, and the guests had started arriving. Tsuki gathered everyone in the center of the room, clapping her hands to get their attention.

“Okay, everyone, find a hiding spot! Tanjirou, you’ll go get the twins, and when they walk in, we’ll all jump out and surprise them,” she instructed.

Everyone scattered to their hiding places. Tsuki positioned herself near the light switch, ready to turn on the lights at the perfect moment.

I hurried out of the dojo and made my way to the Mist Estate. When I arrived, I knocked on the door. A few moments later, Yuichiro opened it, with Muichiro standing just behind him.

“Tanjirou! What brings you here?” Muichiro asked, his usual cool demeanor softening as he saw me. I tried to hide the blush that crept up my cheeks.

“I have something to show you. Can you both come with me?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“Can we, please?” Muichiro asked Yuichiro, who sighed but nodded in agreement.

“Okay, let’s go!” I said, excitement bubbling up inside me as they followed me back to Tsuki’s dojo.

As we approached the entrance, Yuichiro raised an eyebrow. “What are we doing at Miss Goody Two-Shoes' dojo?” he asked in his typical, slightly rude tone.

“Just wait a moment,” I said, trying to keep the suspense.

I opened the door, and we walked into the darkened dojo. Suddenly, the lights flashed on, and everyone jumped out from their hiding spots, shouting, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUICHIRO AND YUICHIRO!”

Muichiro’s eyes widened in surprise, a genuine smile spreading across his face. “You guys remembered!” he said, his voice filled with joy.

“It was Tanjirou’s idea,” Bakkyō chimed in, grinning. “Now, can we cut the cake already? Tsuki is an amazing cook, and I’m dying to try some of that chocolate cake.”

Everyone laughed, but I knew it was time to make my move. I took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Muichiro, as your friend, I want to be the first to give you your gift.”

Before I could lose my nerve, I leaned in and kissed him. The room fell silent, and for a moment, it felt like the world had stopped. To my surprise, Muichiro kissed me back, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, savoring the warmth of the moment. It was just the two of us, lost in our own world.

“Okay, you two can make out all you want, but not in my dojo. That’s where I draw the line,” Tsukuyomi said, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall, breaking the spell.

“I agree,” Yuichiro added, his usual gruffness tinged with a hint of annoyance. “This is a birthday party, not a make-out session.”

Muichiro and I both laughed, the tension dissolving as we made our way over to the cake. Giyuu lit the candles, and everyone began singing “Happy Birthday.” When the song ended and the twins blew out the candles, Tsuki suddenly slammed their heads into the cake.

“TSUKI!” they both yelled, but Tsuki was already sprinting out of the dojo, laughing as the twins chased after her.

“Don’t worry, we made a backup,” Kori said, pulling another cake from the freezer. Everyone burst out laughing, the room filled with joy and celebration.

As the party continued, I couldn’t help but glance at Muichiro, who caught my eye and smiled. The connection between us was undeniable, and I knew this was just the beginning of something special. The night was filled with laughter, warmth, and the sweet promise of what was yet to come.

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