Lets Go!

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(Y/N)'s POV

"AHH!" "Gotcha Blue!" I finally caught up to Blue, wow who knew she could run so quickly! It took me 10 minutes just to get to her!

"IM SORRY (Y/N)!! I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT!" She whined, "well next time think before you talk!" I said, "okay okay fine.." I let her go. "Anyway, where is the beach located again?" I asked curiously. "It's in Johto.. By the way we are going to take a plane, so we have to walk to Pewter city.."

What?! But that's so far!! I can't walk there!! I'm to tired..

"But can't we just fly there? You know so it can be faster??" I said in a worried tone,





"Huh? What? Oh yeah um sure why not? Hehe.." "Hmmm is something wrong Blue?" She stood quiet for a few seconds "no everything is perfectly normal here!! Hey let's just use your (P/N) to fly there, after all it's big enough to carry us both!"

"Ok! That's a great idea!... hey Blue had a great idea! That's a first!!" "HEY WHAYS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" "Nothing! Come on out, (P/N)!! Take us to Pewter city!"

and off you went!


Green's POV

"Ugh! What's taking that pesky woman and (Y/N) so long?" I said, clearly annoyed, "relax Green, Blue and your Girlfriend will be here soon!" Gold said
I blushed "No way, me and (Y/N)? Not a chance.." "Oh yeah? Explain the blush on your face?" I blushed more "What blush? I-It m-might just b-be the s-sun! Yeah the sun!" I stuttered

"Okay then! If she's not yours, can I have her?!" Now I was annoyed "No you can not have her!" "Hehehe just checking, Greenie!"
Oh how I hate that nickname.


"HELLO DOWN THERE!!" I heard someone yell. I looked up, oh great pesky woman is here.. And (Y/N)... "Return, (P/N)." I heard (Y/N) say. "Oh Green~?" Uh man.. First I have to deal with Gold and now Blue?! Can this situation get any worse?

"What do you want?" I mumbled. "Aww did someone miss (Y/N)? I can go get her for you so you guys can talk about having your children and getting married~?" I blushed furiously "No way, Blue! We are and I do repeat NOT getting married and having children!"

"Right..." Blue rolled her eyes.

Blue's POV

"Right.." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway I got to go talk to the girls, later!" I said waking away

hmm this may be easier then I thought it would be.. This means I have a lot of work to add onto my plan.. MUHAHAHA!!

"Oh hey, Blue! It's been 7 months!" Said Yellow "yeah it's been quite a while now hasn't it? Well anyway gather the girls expect (Y/N) we need to discuss my plan.. Operation 'get Green and (Y/N) together' is a go!"

"Finally!! I've been waiting for this moment!!" Yellow squealed! "Yeah, yeah less squealing more gathering!!" I rushed her. "Yes ma'am!" Then she left.

Hehehe watch out Green and (Y/N) because here we come.. Woah déjà vu

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey Red!" I said "hmm? Oh hi (Y/N) long time no see.."

Wow, his voice.. So sexy and deep.. Wait what am I thinking?! I like Green!! Wait why am I thinking about that?

"Y-Yeah.. It has been quite a while hasn't it? Anyway, how's being champion coming a long?" "It's fine I guess.. Buy not really as fun as hanging out with you guys.." He smiled.

Wow his smile.. When a girl who likes him looks at that.. She'll just melt.. But not me!! I only like him as a friend!

"Yeah I bet.. Anyways, I was wondering.. Do you like, Blue?" I randomly asked "of course as a friend!" Red said. Wow he's so dense..
"No not like that! I mean love.. That kind of like!" He flinched "W-Wha?. Well I-I... Umm.." "Ohhhh, so Red DOES like Blue, I see.." "Shhh be quiet.. Don't tell anyone.. I want to know if she like me first before I confess to her.." "I promise!"

OMG RED LIKES BLUE!! I wish I can tell her but I can't.. Wahhhh!

"Ok, now since you asked me a question, I get to ask you a question!" "U-u-umm w-what?" I stuttered, knowing right away what it was going to be..


"Do you think Yellow likes Silver?" I sweatdropped.. "Um, maybe? They do act differently around each other.. Plus Silver does talk more around her.. OMG I think we figured out a new pair!"

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yes Red?"

"Why are all the girls huddling up? Shouldn't you be there with them?" I looked over to our right and saw all the girls talking among themselves.

"Hmm I don't know..." Probably nothing." I shrugged. "Okay then.. Well we should get going.." Red pointed out. "Right!"

"GUYS LETS GO!! THE PLANE IS GOING TO LEAVE!!" Blue screamed "OKAY!" Everyone said in sync!

Blue's POV

*before Blue screams, 'GUYS LETS GO..'*

"Okay so everyone knows their part of the plan, right?" "Um, Blue? Can you explain that one more time?" Sapphire asked

"ugh fine! I tell (Y/N) to meet me at the big tree located near the beach but then Yellow is going to asked Green to meet her at the big tree and when they see each other you drop the big-ass cage we made out of rope and tree logs and some metal and when they can't get out Crystal is going to be ready, from a far distance, to take a picture of them when the kiss! And when Crystal gives the signal, Platinum is going to set them free and run for dear life!! Okay, Sapphire?"

"Okay!" Sapphire squealed! "Okay girls, cover your ears!" "Why?" Platinum asked? "This is why.." "GUYS LETS GO!! THE PLANE IS GOING TO LEAVE!!" I screamed "that's why, platinum.." Crystal said "OKAY!" Everyone said in sync.


I hope you guys enjoyed that! As I promised it was longer.. (YAY!) I'll maybe update today or tomorrow because I love writing and I have soooooooo many ideas!! Okay Bye!!

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