Happy Birthday! And...

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Hi guys.. Well no one left a comment but I don't except anyone too because no ones done it.. Nor no one has voted.... But that's not the point! The point is I almost have 100 reads!! Thank you sooo much! Anyway this chapter is a Timeskip 3 years in the future! OMG!! Ikr.. Anyway onward with the story!!
(P.S you'll find out why there is a dress in the picture frame.. Thing..)

____'s POV (for the entire chapter... Maybe...)

"Hurry up, Green!! We're gonna be late!!" Tonight was a special night because it was your birthday!! Blue said that she wanted to host it so I let her.
"I'm coming, I'm coming.. Geez.." He was wearing a black tux and a white dress shirt with a green tie (haha get it?..) and his hair was.. Well the same.. "Wow, Green.. Why so formal?" I asked "u-uh.. W-well it is your birthday.." Green stuttered "Okay??" 'Hmm I wondered why he was stuttering..' I came back to reality by Green saying something. "... Anyway you look, beautiful as always!" He smirks and I blush. Your were wearing (the dress in the picture, but in your own favourite colours) you hair was done in a (any hair style you want) and you had on (just do your own makeup... But you don't want any that's fine) "U-uh thank you.. Green." "No problem.." With that he kisses your cheek. "Let's go to Blue's before she starts to flip out on us!" "Yeah.. Pesky woman.." Green says, annoyed. "Really, Green? Even to this day you still call her a pesky woman?" "Yeah, yeah, whatever lets just go before she gives us heck.."

• le time skip to, Blue's house~ •

"_____!!!!! YOUR HERE, FINALLY!!" Blue said, while jumping on you for a hug. "Yeaf no prurobwem.." I said about to die of the weight and lack of air (not really!!) "Oh sorry.. Just super excited!" "Okay.. So, Blue.. How are you and Red?" I smirked "Oh, uh, yeah, umm.. Great!!" She said, nervously. "Oh come on.. Really that's it? Great?" "Okay fine.. I'll tell you," she leaned in closer to your ear "Red proposed to me last week!" She whisper/squealed "oh my Arceus! Congrats!!" "Yeah and you're going to be my maid of honor!" (Just saying IDK how weddings work..) "oh wow that's such an honor!"

Silence is between you too....

"HAHAHAHA!!! That's funny.. Maid of honor, such an honor.. Yeah," Blue said. (Idk okay?!) "Anyway I think it's time too eat!!" "Yeah!! Food!!" I said really hungry.

• le time skip after eating~ •

Green POV (haha didn't think I would do this now did yea?)

"Okay time to give, _____ her presents!!" Blue cheered "as usual, ladies first then the boys! I call giving my gift to her first!" Blue said.

"Aww thanks, Blue!" She gave ____
(Y/F/S/P/P) <- (your favourite small Pokemon plush) "Me next!" Said Sapphire "thank you so much, Sapphire!" She gave _____ a Master Ball and a (F/P) hat. "My turn!" Shouted Yellow. "Yummy!! Thank you!" It was a box of ____'s favourite candy. "Me next!" Said Crystal "oh wow! It's beautiful!" It was necklace with a blue crystal hanging at the bottom of it. "My turn, finally!" Said Platinum "awesome!! Thank you!!" It was ____'s (F/L) (favourite legendary) plush. "Now the boys turns!!" Blue said.

"Happy Birthday..." Red said "aww so adorable! Thank you!" It was a Pikachu plush (if Pikachu was your favourite than change it!) "My turn! Happy Birthday, ____!" Said Ruby "Oh wow!! Thank you, Ruby! So beautiful!" It was a beautiful (F/C) dress. (Just imagine it) "thank you. I made it myself." "My turn now I guess.. Happy Birthday." Sliver said "wow.. Silver.. Thank you.." It was a beautiful set of silver earrings! "Hehe.. My turn! Happy Birthday, Birthday girl!" It was a big box "hmm I wonder what's inside thi- OMG GOLD!" ____ blushed furiously "what the hell, Gold?! Why would you give, ____ matching undies and bra?!" Crystal said, clearly in rage mode. "That was a joke, look deeper in the box!" Gold said "o-o-okay.." ____ said. So I looked deeper in the box and.. "Oh... My... Arceus.." ____ said. It was a Pokemon egg! "Thank you, Gold!" "No problem. It can be your and Green's baby when you too ge- Mmfph?!" "Shut the fudge up, Gold!!"  Everyone said, except ____. "Anyway.. My turn, finally! Happy Birthday, _____!" Said Diamond. "Aww thank you, Dia!" It was a cute little Eevee holding a box of Chocolates!

"Okay everyone.. It's Green's turn!!" Shouted Blue. Everyone got out their pokégear. I could tell, _____ was confused. "Happy Birthday, and..." She took the small box and looked at me. "And what??" She asked "OPEN IT ALREADY!!" Everyone shouted. "Okay, okay.." She said. So while she was busy opening the box, I got on one knee.

_____'s POV

So I opened the box to find a........


'OMG A RING! Is this a dream?!' So I looked at, Green, who was on one knee. And then he said. "Will you marry me?" I was so shocked, happy, and happy-sad! I just remembered he said 'Happy Birthday, and..' Now I get it!! 'Happy Birthday, and.... Will you marry me?'

So I got up and tackled him into a hug. "Yes, yes, YES!!!" I said. By now everyone was cheering! I was so happy! This was truly the best birthday I ever had!

The End


Well.. This is it.. The last chapter.. I hoped you all liked it! I will be making other story's I just need to think what kind of story and what kind of you thing it's going to be based on.. Well I guess I'll see you later! Maybe.. BYE!


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