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Okayyyyyy, before I get started I just want to say that I DO take requests and even if they are weird or stupid idc.. Just tell me and I'll do it! Just don't be afraid, okay? Anyway... Enough talking me!! Let's get to the good stuff... Also I'm SUPER SORRY that this is late... I let you guys down.. Okay onward with the story!


(Y/N)'s POV

We got there at took our seats. I sat beside Blue and Green, which was kind of a bad choice.. "Okay, now since everyone is here.. Dig in!!" Blue shouted "FINALLY!!" Dia said 'of course..' I thought "hey, (Y/N)?" Can you pass me the buns?" Green asked "Sure!" "If you know what he means!" Blue winked. I blushed "what the heck Blue! No!" "Fine then.." She puts her hands up. "Here you are, Green!" "Thanks.." He said softly 'God, why did he have to be so cute?! Wait what? No snap out of it! You don't like him like that.. Only as a friend.. Right?' I wondered until I saw his Green eyes.. Oh how beautiful they were.. And his smile just so charming it would make you melt.. "Ummm (Y/N)? Why are staring at me?" Green asked, curiously. "Wha?! No.. I-I mean I was just.. Umm.. So how's dinner Platinum?" I blushed "umm.. Delicious!" She said happily! "Good!.." I said, trying to stall. "Hmm looks like someone has fallen for my charm!" Green said, smirking.
"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did not!"

"For the last time I DID TO!... wait what?! No I-I-I mean-" I was cut of by Green saying, "ah ha! See you did fall for my charm!" "Ugh! You just tricked me!" I said clearly annoyed. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say, sweetcheeks!"

Green's POV

'Wait did I really just say that? Ahh man! Now she must think I'm a complete weirdo or a creep!..' But no. All she did was blush and stare. Not looking at anything else but just staring at him with no emotion whatsoever. "Um.. Are you ok?" I asked a little worried and kind of freaked out.


"Umm.." Now I was really freaked out! 'Is she going to hit me? Or slap me? Or take all my food away?!' But no.. She did something no one expected her to do..

She kissed me..

Everyone was just looking at us and their jaws touching the floor. (Not really just felt like saying that because it happens in the anime..) All the girls were squealing and taking pictures while they boys just sat there looking shocked. Except, Dia... He was to busy eating.. Now I was blushing a scarlet! But she was way worse.. She was a deep deep scarlet! (If that's even possible!)

I wasn't thinking so I kissed back. She was surprised at first but then got more into it. She put her arms around my neck and I put one hand at her waist and the other behind her head so I could deepen the kiss. I licked the bottom of her lip for entrance, but she was playing 'hard to get' so I removed my hand from her waist and squeezed her butt. She gasped and I took my chance and slipped my tongue in her mouth. We were battling but of course, I won. So I explored my new territory and, unfortunately broke the kiss due to the lack of air. (Damn you air! D:<)

(Y/N)'s POV

'OMG OMG OMG OMG! I can't believe that just happened I wasn't thinking properly.. Now my life is ruined, my career, my everything.. Even my dignity! NOOOO! Now Blue is going to embarrass me and bother me and so will the other girls.. Wahhh!'

"U-u-umm (Y-Y/N)?" 'Oh no..' "Y-y-yeah, G-g-green?.." "Umm I'm glad that happened, actually.." "Wait.. What?!" Everyone said in sync except for me. "Yeah.. What? Why?.." "Because I wouldn't have to tell you that I really like you all nervous and a blushing mess!" He said without thinking.. "W-wait.. Y-you like m-me?" He just realized what he said and blushed. "Well yeah.. Since a long time now and I didn't show it or tell anyone.. Not even, Gold, Red, Silver, or Dia.."

"WTF DUDE?! WHYYYY?!" Gold whined "shut up you moron! You're ruining the moment!" Crystal said while she slap Gold behind his head. (BTW I HAVE NO HATE TOWRDS GOLD!) "ouch!~"

"Wow.." I said shocked. 'Should I tell him I do to? Hmm since he did it would make sense to!..' So I took at deep breathe and pulled in all my courage and said "Green Oak! I like yo-" I was silenced by a Greens lips against mine. "I know you like me to.. I took the hint when you fell for my charm while we were eating!" He smirked and I blushed "yeah yeah, whatever.." "JUST ASK HER OUT ALREADY!!" Blue and Yellow squeaked! "Fine fine geez.. Pesky women.. Anyway," he took my hands in his and got down one one knee, "will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" 'A little over dramatic but oh well..' I thought "yes!" I jumped on him and we hugged but then got back up and saw everyone cheering!
'Best diner ever..' I thought.

Blue's POV

"Well I guess we don't have to do the plan anymore.." I said in relive. "Yeah... But hey at least their together! I wonder when the wedding is going to be!" Yellow said happily! "Woah, woah, woah slow down there girl they just got together.. Give 'em maybe.. Say three years and he will surly ask for her hand in marriage!" I said fangirling! "Yeah I guess you right.." Said Yellow.


Extended Ending!!

Third Person POV

After eating diner they all go back to their hotel rooms.
"Hey, (Y/N)? Green asked "Yeah?"
"I Love You.."
"I Love You too."
After that they kissed and it turned out to be on hell of a make out session.. And believe me.. They really couldn't wait any longer and this lasted for a looooong time... Let's just say they had one hell of a time..

Well I hoped you liked it! Please like and comment! Please.. Anyway I'll try and update as soon as I can! I promise! Okay bye!!

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