Chapter Eight

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It was a little after nine o'clock when Alex arrived at Bob Paris' party. He hated going to these things but it was the only event where he could talk to all the people he needed to talk to. Almost the entire town came to these parties.
"I'm just saying, burning those big businesses to the ground, might wanna keep an eye out, sheriff."
Alex nodded at Tim absentmindedly as he looked around the party. He had just finished talking to everyone he needed to and was about to leave for the night when his eye caught a figure running through the field towards Bob's shed.
"Uh, excuse me." Alex says, not waiting for a response from Tim before briskly walking towards where the figure disappeared behind the shed. As he got closer to the building, he could begin to hear the loud moans coming from inside. But the thing that stopped him in his tracks as he rounded the corner was her.
"Norma." he whispers out to her, making her quickly turn around to him.
"Oh my-Oh my god." she gasps, leaning against the shed with embarrassment at being caught.
"Get out of here." he tells her urgently as he approaches her. His eyes do a quick sweep over her form and was surprised at her attire. The sleeveless, black, form fitting dress seemed to hug her in all the right ways and he fought hard not to stare at her breasts that were popping from the top of her dress, heaving up and down as she regained her breath.
"Oh, my- what are you doing here?" she asks with disbelief. She knew Alex had a darker side but she didn't know he would be into something like this.
"What am I doing here?" he asks with disbelief. "I was pressing the flesh with some council members and I see a figure sneaking along in the shadows and I followed it. And here you are. I don't know why, but you need to get out of here." he pleads, knowing that if anyone saw her here they would both be fucked.
"No. Do you- look what is going on inside there." she says, moving back to the window.
"Do you know what kind of people these are?"
He grabs her by her arm, quickly leading her away from the shed in fear that Bob Paris himself might see her.
"Yeah, incredibly wealthy people doing whatever the hell they feel like. What does any of this have to do with you, Norma?" he asks, finally releasing her as they find themselves hidden behind a large oak tree.
"There's a young woman, she's a guest in my motel. She's been missing for two nights. She hasn't been back. She hasn't slept in the bed. But all her belongings are still there-"
"I don't get it." he says, wishing she would find the point faster so he could get her out of here.
"Well, she had an invitation to this party. She's, uh...I think she's, uh...working." Norma says awkwardly as she realizes what these girls actually have to go through for work.
"I'm really worried about her, could you please just go in and see if you can see her there?" she asks, knowing exactly what she was asking of him but her worry ruled over her.
"I'm just afraid that she might be dead."
This part made Alex almost chuckle bitterly. Here they were again, another possible dead body being connected to this family.
"When did you see her last?" he asks professionally, trying to keep his eyes on anything but her very exposed heaving chest. It didn't help when Norma took a deep breath, worry filling her eyes before finally answering him.
"Norman was the last person who saw her." she admits, looking defeated.
"He drove into town with her and I haven't seen her since." she finishes with worry. He sighs and looks away, processing this new information before turning back to her.
"Okay, you need to go. This is not a good place for you to be." he tells her.
"Then...then why are you here?" she asks curiously, though he didn't like what she was insinuating.
"I'm not here for that." he tells her firmly.
"There's a gate, all the way back-"
"Alex? That you I see?"
Alex's heart drops at the sound of Bob's voice. She couldn't be here, she couldn't be seen by him. Without thinking, Alex grabs Norma by her arms and pushes her against the tree in an attempt to conceal her identity.
Norma let out a small gasp at the force of Alex's body holding her against the tree and was about to object when she felt the heat of his breath on her collarbone. His lips found their way to her neck, his tongue daringly darting out to run along her skin, making Norma physically shiver and bite back a soft moan.
"Alex?" the voice says again, now approaching them. Alex moves to kiss the spot just under her ear before softly whispering.
"Don't look at him. Keep kissing me."
She did as she was told, her lips moving to his jaw line as Alex turned to face Bob, his hand on the back of Norma's neck keeping her head in place and out of Bob's sight.
"Alex Romero, finally enjoying one of my parties? Someone needs to capture this moment." Bob says, glancing between him and the small blonde who couldn't seem to tear herself away from him.
"What do you want." Alex says, his voice husky from the feeling of Norma's lips sucking and biting at the skin of his neck. It was everything he had dreamed of since he first met her, but the circumstances kept him from memorizing the feeling the way he wanted to. All he could think of was getting her out of there safely.
"Geez, Alex, I just came to see if you and your lady wanted a turn in the main room? Lots of stuff you can play with." Bob says, his eye hungrily raking over Norma's form.
"No. I like my privacy." Alex says, glaring at him.
"Fine, fine. Always one to get your panties in a wad." Bob says, holding his hands up in surrender.
"Don't worry, i'll just go back to the shed." he continues, already walking back there before giving Alex a glance back.
"The view from there wasn't too bad anyways." he adds with a warning tone before walking away completely. He stood there for a moment, taking in Bob's words as Norma continued with her kissing, unaware that they were safe now. Though Alex didn't know if they were. Not if Bob was possibly watching from the shed.
"I think we're okay." he whispers as he turns back to her, stopping her kissing. She stares up at him breathlessly, her confused eyes darting from his eyes down to his lips and back a few times.
"What...who was that?" she asks, noticing the way Alex still held her firmly against the tree. Not that she minded. She liked feeling the heat of his body pressed against her own.
"Bob Paris. Stay the hell away from him." he says, glancing to make sure Bob wasn't watching before finally releasing her and putting some distance between them.
"No, you're leaving. Now." he says, grabbing her by her arm again and pulling her towards the back gate. She tried to keep up with him, stumbling a few times as her heels sunk into the grass below her.
"Slow down-"
"So we can get caught again? Norma you have no idea how much danger you've put yourself in." he says, still not able to look at her as they approach the gate.
"Sorry i'm such a burden to you." she snaps back, ripping her arm free.
"Whatever, Alex. Can you just find the girl? That's the only reason I came to this stupid party." she says, already pulling her heels off so she could slide under the gate and escape.
"Fine, Norma, just go before anyone else sees you." he huffs, stepping back towards the party.
"Okay, okay. But...her name is Annika Johnson, she-"
"Go." he half whispers, half shouts, causing her to quickly run back to the fence and make her way under.
He didn't understand how this woman couldn't see the danger she practically throws herself into at every turn. It was infuriating to no end and exhausting having to constantly fight fires for her. This woman would be the death of him.

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