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Finally we made it to Epilogue 😎✌️

Make sure to read earlier chapters!!!!

"Tae!! Come here~~~" Jin's extra sweet voice echoed through the mansion and it didn't take much time for younger to rush towards the kitchen. He sat on the tall chair beside kitchen counter and waited for Jin's new experiment. Truth to be told, with the time Jin's cooking skills went to another level as now he is experimenting new dishes , desserts and drinks with his official taster Taehyung.

Have no clear idea how Taehyung appointed to this position but however he is doing a great job. He has this passion which Jin always admires about.

"This is my pumpkin apple booster!! Drink a sip and tell me~~" Jin placed the glass infront of Tae who cautiously observed and thought for a moment.

"Drink drink!!" Jin again chirped making Tae to take the glass into his hands. He took a small sip in and stared at the wall for better concentration. Then he closed his eyes and pouted while arranging the words he should say to Jin hyung. Being impatient as always the elder asked

"How is it?"

"It's different!"

"Okay okay! Tell me what marks you give over ten as always!"

"9/10 as always!"

"Ahhhhh whyyy!! When am I gonna get 10/10?! It's always 9/10!!" Jin turned back while screaming and Taehyung giggled behind his back. He doesn't know what to do except giving 9/10 for everything.

"Oh my goshh!!" Tae's smile suddenly converted to a flinch as Hector came to the sight. Thank god he is sitting on a tall chair! Hector walked around the chair while keeping his eye contact over his utmost enemy and Taehyung also didn't hold it back. He glared at him and yelled under his breathe only doubling the tension in the room.

"Hector! Come here!" Jin called the latter making Tae to whine.

"Be friendly to him Tae! He is no harm!" Jin said while looking at the way he is eating and Taehyung just scoffed. Hector,,,the name itself is too much for a dog!

Actually it's Jin's idea to bring a dog into the mansion they all moved out after that incident and still the aim of bringing Hector didn't fulfiil. They all are still gloomy and smile is nowhere to find except in Tae's face. As the eldest he doesn't wanna see this and do nothing.

They have to understand the reality and move foreward no matter how bad the past is. So that's why he is cheery and trying to uplift the mood of others too. It's already six months since that tragic incident and he believes that it's the time to let it go.

He wants to give life to Hobi's last wish. His biggest supporter right now for this mission is Taehyung.

Taehyung woke up from his long rest after three months and as doctors predicted he lost his memory. Jungkook already knew that it is coming but still broke down seeing Tae's confused eyes on him.

They all introduced themselves to the lost boy who listened to everything carefully and cautiously. They also showed their past photos, wedding certificate and reports got from hospital to not to freak out the younger.

After such a menacing half an hour of storm Taehyung finally declared that he is feeling a sense of familiarity with them. Jungkook is now taking baby steps with Taehyung eventhough they're already married. He doesn't wanna rush anything.

As long as Taehyung is here right infront of him safe and sound he can live peacefully. Everyone is taking extra care about the latter and he is the only one who is smiling wholeheartedly in the house.

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