The Proposal

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The clouds loomed dark and chilly, creeping across the sky on that dreary Wednesday. The first rumblings of mild thunderstorms echoed in the distance, but within Shivada, a tempest of anxiety churned. A million questions whirled in her mind, each one more unsettling than the last. She started walking frantically in the room.

Ram, trying to suppress an impending fit of laughter, fixed her with a deadpan expression. In silence, he stepped outside, retrieved her slippers, and placed them gently in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Shivada yelled, her voice tinged with both irritation and anxiety.

"Your feet and the house will slowly burn at this pace," he replied, donning his most serious expression. "I want to make sure my house is safe."

"SHUT UP!" she cried, frustration spilling over as she sank to the ground, her head buried in her hands. "I'm scared. What if he says no? What if he already has a girlfriend? What if he doesn't like me at all?" Her voice trembled, each word laced with a vulnerability that made her feel smaller.

Ram crouched down beside her, the humor fading from his face as he absorbed the weight of her fears. He could see how much this moment meant to her, how it felt like the world was closing in as she faced her insecurities. "Hey," he said softly, "breathe. Just take a moment."

"We've already dealt with this, my dear. Trust in your own abilities," Ram said, his tone light but reassuring. He flashed her a playful grin. "Admittedly, I must say, you look pretty good today."

"Really?" Shivada asked, her eyes brightening with hope.

Ram nodded, still smirking. "Well, typically, you look like you compete against the homeless with your clothing choices. But today, you look elegant in that crimson dhavani. Besides, how could anyone dismiss this vexing, innocent, and exquisite sister of mine?"

Just then, the unexpected ring of the doorbell shattered the moment, catching them both off guard. "Let me check," Ram said, leaving Shivada with a flicker of positivity as he headed to the door.

"It's Aadhi, Shivada! Come down!" he called from the lower level.

"I'm coming!" Shivada replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as she began to descend the stairs.

Aadhi was already engaged in light banter with Ram when he turned and spotted her. Time seemed to freeze as he froze, his eyes widening in surprise. Shivada smiled brightly at him, but his intense gaze felt like a spotlight, amplifying the fluttering in her stomach. She could feel the weight of his stare as she stepped down, her heart racing with confusion.

"Aadhi, look at my sister and tell me, isn't she the prettiest thing in this village?" Ram declared, his voice filled with pride. He grinned broadly, the playful glint in his eyes unmistakable.

Aadhi took a step closer, his gaze unwavering as it locked with Shivada's. She felt her breath hitch as their eyes met, her heart pounding in her chest. Aadhi's eyes held something—an emotion she couldn't quite place. It wasn't just admiration; it was deeper, something almost intense. "She's beautiful," he said softly, his voice laced with an emotion that sent shivers down her spine.

Ram laughed, clapping Aadhi on the shoulder, completely unaware of the charged atmosphere between them. "Man, I never thought you could talk like this! Shivada, you just got a compliment from Aadhi—trust me, this is the highest approval a human can achieve in his lifetime."

But Aadhi wasn't paying attention to Ram. His gaze never left Shivada, and the weight of his stare made her cheeks flush. She bit her lower lip, suddenly very aware of herself.

Then, his voice cut through the tension, low and deliberate. "Do you have a mole on your neck?"

Shivada blinked, startled by the question. She looked down, puzzled at first, and then remembered the small, hidden mole on the left side of her chest. Normally concealed beneath her clothes, it was now exposed because of the low-cut blouse beneath her dhavani.

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