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8 years ago

It was a bright, warm day—the kind where the sun seemed to bless the earth, and birds sang as if nothing could ever go wrong. Flowers swayed in the breeze, oblivious to the heartbreak looming just moments away. No one could have imagined the devastation that would follow. Least of all, Padma and her two children. It was on that very day—the one that seemed so full of life—that her husband, the love of her life, and their children's adored father, made the unthinkable decision to end it all.

He was found hanging in their bedroom—the room that had once echoed with their laughter, their love, their moments of joy. The debt, crushing in its weight, had strangled his spirit, leaving him with nothing but shame. He had always been the man to help others, the man people turned to for support. But the betrayal, the cruel, calculated betrayal by his own brother, had been too much to bear. His brother—his own flesh and blood—had gutted him, siphoning away the business and stealing millions in collusion with a woman from the accounts department. Worse still, his brother had pawned crucial documents, leaving him helpless and exposed. With the walls closing in—the bankers, the loan sharks—he made a final, tragic choice. In that moment of despair, he thought only of his pride, not of his wife, not of his children.

When the news reached Padma, it shattered her. Her world, once filled with love and hope, turned into a nightmare. Eight long years of love—against all odds, against her family's wishes. She had given everything to their marriage. And when their two sons were born, she had believed life couldn't get any more perfect. But beneath it all, she had always felt uneasy about her brother-in-law. His shady past, his questionable associations—it had gnawed at her. Her husband had reassured her time and again, always so careful, always so trusting. He never imagined the dagger would come from the hand of his own brother.

Now, that trust had cost him his life.

Padma, left with nothing but the unbearable weight of his death and the crushing debt, had no choice but to run. Grabbing her two sons, she fled to the only place that still felt safe—Maya's house. Her best friend, the woman who had been her rock through it all.

As soon as Maya opened the door, Padma crumbled. Her legs gave way beneath her, and she collapsed into Maya's arms, sobbing with a grief that seemed bottomless.

"I don't know what to do, Maya," she wailed, her voice raw and broken. "This debt... it'll never end. Not in this lifetime. And my boys... Oh, God. What have I done? I'm dragging them into this nightmare. I can't save them. I don't know how to save them!"

Maya held her tight, her own heart aching for her friend but steely in her resolve. "Padma," she said, her voice firm, cutting through the storm of emotions, "you're not alone in this. I'm right here, and we're going to fight. Don't forget—I'm a lawyer. Jayaram is too. We'll take this all the way. We'll win, I promise you that. But for now, you're staying here. You and the boys. Don't go back to that house, not yet. We'll find a way through this. We'll fight, and once this nightmare is over, you'll go home again."

Padma looked up at her, tears still streaming down her face, but for the first time in days, a flicker of hope appeared in her eyes.


Unknown POV

Everything felt shrouded in a heavy haze. My mother, usually so composed, was crying for the first time, her sobs echoing through the chaos that had enveloped our home. My father was gone, leaving behind a void filled with debtors and clients who filled our space like shadows, each one a reminder of our newfound helplessness. I clutched my brother's hand tightly, his own tears mirroring the turmoil I felt within.

I couldn't recall how I had ended up collapsed on the couch of Maya Auntie's home; the world around me felt disjointed and surreal. Suddenly, a small figure appeared before me, tiny hands cradling a handful of jamuns. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice a soft bell amidst the chaos.

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