Tony stark

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~Tony Stark POV~

   I was just coming back from a mission with Cap. We assisted a small fire and helped the firemen evacuate the building. We started doing more of this boring stuff lately, Cap thought it would help with our reputation. During our last mission we 'may ' have destroyed the city a little bit. 

I was flying back to the Avengers tower, while he rode his motorcycle. Loser. 

Suddenly, I hear a girl scream and turn around. I expected to see a citizen on the street, but the streets were mostly empty. Still, the girl kept screaming. I looked around. I saw nothing, yet I really wanted to help this kid. Where the hell was she??

I then hear a weak sob, coming from above me, so I fly a little higher.

A young girl was sitting on a roof, about three blocks away.

I approach her and land softly.

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