Tony Stark

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 ~Tony stark POV~

 This kid was not fine. I tracked her location using Bruce's and Steve's help. The other guys knew about the girl and wanted to help, but they didn't really handle technology as well as us. Well, especially not as well as me. When I found her, she looked like she was having a panic attack. She was curled up on the pavement, rocking back and forth, her fingers clenched in her hair. Her eyes were red and watery and her voice sounded brittle. I wish I knew what happened to her.

I knew she didn't slip in the bathroom. She was an awful liar. Still, she looked so traumatized, I didn't dare to ask her what really happened. I convinced her to come to the Avengers Tower and get checked up by Bruce. She didn't want to go to the hospital. Was she afraid or was it something else?

I helped her walk to where I landed the helicopter. She was really surprised that we were going to fly and her enthusiasm warmed up my heart. I think it helped earn her trust a little more. I really wanted to help this kid.

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