Part 18

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To my surprise, Tony arrived rather quickly. I saw an Audi R8 pull over and honk. 

I checked through the window to make sure nobody was trying to kidnap me and I saw Tony, wearing his aviator glasses. He gave me a wave, then the door unlocked and I got in. I took in the spacious interior and leather seats. I don't know much about cars, but I knew this was a good one. And expensive, obviously.

"So, you didn't steal anything, did you? Set fire to the school...hide a body in your backpack?" he asked as I closed the door.

I tried laughing, but I was still shaken up from the event and my heart was racing.

"No, I just...didn't feel that good".

"Hm. Well you look almost paler than Reindeer games" he said as he drove away.

I didn't have the energy to ask who was that.

We stood in silence for a while, as I stared out the window, asking myself impossible questions.

"Was Tony upset that he had to come get me? He's probably really busy."

"What will I tell my friends on Monday?"

"What even a caused me to feel this way? I was safe now and happy with the Avengers. I was so ungrateful and stupid."

"You okay, kid? You look like you're gonna throw up. Not on the leather seats, I hope."

"I'm fine, I'm not gonna puke on your seats" I replied, slowly zoning out.

 I didn't hear what he said, but it sounded like a question.

"Everything's fine" I mumbled.

He raised an eyebrow.

"That's not what I asked. I was talking about my amazing leather seats."

"Oh! Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention" I replied honestly.

He paused.

"How was school?" he asked, as if he didn't really know what you say to a kid in this situation.


"You need new words in your vocabulary, 'cause you're really overusing this one".

"Very funny. I don't know, school was alright."

He didn't say anything else until we arrived.


I first went to the living room and spotted a new Avenger. A young man with dark skin, apparently named Sam.

After Tony introduced us, he went to pour himself a cup of coffee and then headed down to the lab. Wanda entered the living room with a smile.

"Hi, Han! How was school?"

God, this question again.

"Hi! It was fine" I replied.

"Shouldn't you still be there?"

"Uhm, yeah, but I didn't feel that well so I asked Tony to pick me up".

"Oh, well, get some rest then" she said sympathetically.

"Yeah, I will. Nice meeting you!" I said to Sam.

He smiled and I went to my room.

After I closed the door behind me, I threw myself on the bed with a sigh. My head was pounding again and the stitches in my scalp felt itchy. At least it was Friday. I checked my phone for new messages.

mum: Everything alright? I talked to your dad. Call me later and put the Avengers on the phone. I want to talk to them before I make a decision.

me: Ok. I love you!❤️Everything's great!

I love how fake you can be when texting someone. Everything was NOT great. I knew I promised to tell her if something happens, but I didn't think my panic attacks counted. I was really just tired.

me: I asked Tony to pick me up from school early because my head hurt. I was tired with everything that has happened. I'll ask Peter to send me his notes from class.

mum: Ok. Isn't there a doctor or something?

me: Yeah he stitched my head up :D

mum: Well have him check you out and call me if you get worse! I'll take the first flight.

me: No don't worry I'm fine. I'll get checked up.

mum: OK...and when you feel better make sure to study what you missed so you don't fall behind.

I sighed.

me: Of course. Don't worry😘

I really didn't want anyone else to be worried for me, it was the worst feeling ever. That's why I didn't want to talk to Bruce. He was really great and kind, but I knew he was gonna be concerned. To be honest, I didn't even think my panic attacks counted as a disease. What would I tell him?

Right when I was thinking about this, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

Bruce opened the door. Look at that, what a coincidence. I realized I was lying on my bed, so I got up.

He smiled, but didn't enter the room.

"Wanda said you weren't feeling well and asked me to check on you".

"Ah, that's sweet, but I'm fine, really. Just a little headache".

"I'm not surprised. You took quite a...hit yesterday."

I smiled nervously at his choice of words.


"You sure you're fine?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

Does he know?

"Well...get some sleep if you can. And come to the lab if you feel worse".

"Thanks, Bruce".

"Sure" he closes the door.

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