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— Lloyd's POV —

I just hope that those dragons will escape. And i hope i can find that flower so Cole can be happy with the boy he loves. Im not gonna say "them" or "her" because he is definetly gay.

Anyway i was flying and searched for the spider lily. I looked down and my eyes windened. It was a boy but i knew who it was. Kai. I landed on the ground. I turned to my human form and cleared my throat.

Lloyd - *cough cough* what we have here. I thought i said to stay away from the fore-

Kai - i know. I just wanted to tell you some things. And asking questions.

He pulled the hood off his head and he looked straight into my eyes.

Kai - first of all, yesterday when i got home my dad told me that i need to be a dragon killer.

I shocked.

Lloyd - then why did you came?

He took a deep breath.

Kai - because i dont wanna be one. Also, i went to the library cause i wanted to know more of you guys and i found this and read it with my sister.

He pulled out a book from his bag and passed to me.

Kai - is it true that you guys are wild animals?

I looked at him with so much confusion.

Lloyd - why would we be? This is just a damn book. Yes. We can fight but we never wanted to hurt humans.

He smiled and i handed him the book back.

Kai - okay then. Well, i wanted to give you a gift, because you listened all my problems yesterday.

He gave me a flower and when i saw it. I quickly took out the picture and i conpared it to what Kai gave me.

Lloyd - oh my gosh Kai! You're a life savior! This is what i've been looking for. The king told me to search for this flower, because this can find his mate!

He chuckled.

Kai - really? Well im glad i could help. I need to go now.

Lloyd - Wait!

He turned around and smiled.

Kai - yes?

I went closer.

Lloyd - can you come here tomorrow at this time? I want you to meet with someone.

He tilted his head onto his side then the boy let out a slight chuckle.

Kai - okay, i can't promise but I'll try. Anyways good night lloyd.

Lloyd - good night Kai.

We wawed to each other and left. I went back to Cole and i handed him the flower.

Cole - thank you so much Lloyd. Where did you find it?

I smiled.

Lloyd - Kai gave me. Also, can i introduce you to him? I think you would like him. He is really sweet. And he gave me this flower so you own him one, doesnt you?

He chuckled.

Cole - of course. I would be also glad to meet him.

Lloyd - okay then, see you next day. Good night Cole!

He wawed me and i left.

— Cole's POV —

I wonder what is this Kai guy looks like. And i need to thank him the flower. He must be really kind. I just worried about my mate. What if I'll never find him? Yes, i said "him" because i found out that im not really attracted to females. Anyways, what if my true mate doesnt exist? Oh Cole, dont think like that! Just try to be positive atleast once! But i can't because now those dumbasses are stuck in that human place! AGHHH!!!

Im trying to be a good leader but its just too hard. I need my king. I need him. But where is he? Am i gonna meet him or we didn't even know each other? Why is life is so difficult? Im tired. I should go to sleep. Maybe it will help. Yea it would probably but this two problem at once are just kills me. Atleast i already have the spider lily, so find my mate will be easier. But what the fuck am i gonna do with those idiots. I told them not to but they did.

Shameless. But im worried about one thing. Every dragon when find their mate, they need to mark them so the other dragons will know that they're belongs to someone else already. But what if i find him and he didn't want to me marked. Why i have so much useless quiestions in my head. And if he wants to be marked i hope he doesnt mind being pregnant.

Lets just hope everything goes according to my likings...

To be continued...

A forbidden realationship // a ninjago lavasipping fanfic Where stories live. Discover now