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Word of a prisoner escaping from the most secure prison in the Wizarding World was all anyone could talk about. His name was Sirius Black and his backstory is truly bone chilling. Killing 12 non-magic people-or as Neville has informed me, muggles-including his friend Peter Pettigrew. And if that's not enough, he also worked for the Dark Lord who's name I've just learned. Although, I'm not to say his name, apparently it's bad luck or something. All I'm hoping is that Sirius Black doesn't come here to Hogwarts and harm any of the students or staff.

It's been a few days since I got the book from the Library, and all I've been doing since I got it is study it's contents. Well, I've also helped the teachers when I'm needed, but now that the school year has begun and has more of a rhythm, I haven't been asked to help as much. So I spend most of my time learning the castles many hallways.

As well as that, I find myself going to the same place to read the book or just get away from all the noise and just gather my thoughts. The Astronomy tower. I didn't know it was a place until I got lost one evening and instead of stopping for a moment to retrace my steps, I kept going and eventually stumbled upon this place. It has an amazing view of the grounds, as well as the everything surrounding the school. The breathtaking view of the water, along with peering out at the forbidden forest is something that I've grown very fond of in such a short time. I haven't run into anyone up here yet. This place seems sort of, forgotten, by the staff and students here.

Up here, I can forget I'm not really in some world filled with odd magic and people wearing equally odd clothing. Up here, I can close my eyes imagine I'm on my balcony in my room, breathing in the chill evening air, curled up in a blanket looking up at the stars.

Tony knew I liked balconies so he made one for me, fit with a chair and side table, he even put plants out here for me to take care of. Sometimes Wanda and I would sit out here together and talk about life, ourselves, eachother, Pietro...

Wanda and I would even fall asleep on the balcony on occasions where we didn't feel like leaving. It was our escape, it was a place where her and I could go to get away from the Avengers, the public, our powers.

Often times, I can feel eyes on me, I feel like someone is lurking up in the tower here, watching, waiting. For what or who, I don't know. But every time I try and look for this person, I can't find them. It's like they're there, but not really, like a shadow in the darkness, using the shadows as it's domain. Which is good, I'll give it that, but the constant feeling of an unknown presence is quite unsettling, especially if you aren't truly from this place, much less this universe or reality.

Peering out into the distance at the now setting sun, feeling its warm rays kiss my skin, I feel a sense of dread. A sense of, almost sorrow. The amount of time that's passed since I've seen my sister is starting to be too much to bear. I need Wanda right now, I miss her terribly, I sometimes wonder what she's doing now. If the war is over, and if we won. Or if it's still going on. I wonder if she made it okay, if she's even still alive...


I'm immediately shaken from my thoughts at the sound of the familiar Russian voice.

The shadows behind me seem to be almost alive, as if the shodow is a person, or something else. The sound of leaves brushing against the ground as the breeze blows gently. I creep towards the darkness, making sure to listen for any more signs of life around me.

I conjure my powers, making a small ball of power in my right hand, tossing into the darkness.

I conjure my powers, making a small ball of power in my right hand, tossing into the darkness

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