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That's right Harry just for you.

Babies. Just babies. Harry had been on Louis' tail about children for about 2 years now. Harry just wants children. He doesn't care for the gender nor the age range. He just wants a child.

Yet when Louis decides its time. Harry isn't aware nor ready anymore.

September 28th

Louis had a smile plastered across his face as he walked into their childrens home. He knew what he wanted. The only thing he really wanted was to surprise his boyfriend.

Harry on the other hand had other plans. He was lead to believe Louis had forgotten their 6 year anniversary. Harry had dinner reservations. He had this all planned out. 

But when Harry woke up to an empty bed this morning. He broke down. The night before their anniversary Harry had a dream that Louis had left him the next morning, and when Harry woke up to Louis missing. It hit him like a wall. He had eventually cleaned himself up and made himself believe it was just a bad dream.

This day ment everything to Harry. He wanted nothing more then to spend the day with Louis. He texted Louis to meet him at the 5 star diner. Louis quickly responded saying He would yet he'd be a little late.

Late. Harry couldn't stand late. Harry was anything but late. He spent half the day in his closet looking for what to wear.

He found his way to Louis side of the closet and pulled out one of Louis' sweaters. His favorite one to be exact.

He pulled the green addidas sweater off the hook. He remembered how that Calvin kid had warn it that one time, but in reality he just wanted to feel Louis presents around him. He slid on the hoodie without a  second thought.

He remembered the special occasion and decided on his white jeans, instead of the constant black jeans.

Meanwhile, Louis stood surrounded by children. So many. He didn't want to let them all down. But Louis knew exactly which one he wanted. He couldn't wait to tell Harry.

After a long hour Louis had signed his side of the birth certificate. That was his present to Harry.

20 minutes passed and Harry was still at the diner waiting. Harry flittled with the maroon box in his hands. Maybe maroon wasn't the color he should have went with, or maybe today wasn't the day for this.

A lady in her workers outfit. "Sir I'm sorry to inform you that. You've been sitting here to long and not being served. We're going. To have to move you out."

He grunted and stood up a simply said, "I don't like waiting anyways." Harry moved towards the door and was half way to his car when he was suddenly surrounded by fans.

Harry couldn't contain his tears. He didn't hate the fans. They just popped at the worst time.

"Not right now guys." He said as they pulled out their phones. All the girls whined then one asked why Harry was crying.

He opened his mouth to explain but Larry still wasn't out to the public so he simply sealed his lips back and shrugged.

One out of 15 of girls shrieked. Everyones eyes shot to her. She had a big smile on her face. Some of the girls began leaving. The shrieker came forward.

"I have to tell you something." She whispered. He cleared his tears away and bent down to hear her better. "What is it love?" He whispered back.

She leaned forward and cupped her mouth to Harrys ear and whispered. "Louis wants to know why your not answering his texts."

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