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Trigger warning. sorry
**harry pov**

You could smell the clean cut grass from my tower. One of the highest towers, in the most secluded areas. I been living in this rust bucket since I was 9. I've been locked up in this tower for 9 years. I am 18 tomorrow. I thought it would be like the fairy tails I've read, before I was locked up. It was identical to one, except I was a suicidal boy and my prince was seconds to late.

I sat on my stool trimming my hair for the 8000th time this week. My hair shouldn't be this long because I was indeed a man, yet I wore women's blouses. I got Anne's handy downs.

Anne was my mother. She has come and gone every now and then.

She was the reason I was here. I came home from fourth grade one afternoon telling Anne, I liked a boy named Louis Tomlinson. That was the last day I saw Louis, and people in general.

She always left things behind that I kept myself busy with, like one time she left paint. I painted the same blue eyes over and over again until I perfected the eye ball. His eye.

Anne took away my paint. She told me this was wrong. Liking a boy was wrong, and there was nothing she could do to fix it. She left the eyes on the wall because she couldn't find away to remove it, but she simply covered it with a sheet.

There were times when she came back and took her anger out on me. There's still scars on my back from the belt that held her pants up.

I always turned to the covered eyes when I broke down. The eyes made me feel safe. I felt at home with eyes. She came back with big makers one night and told me too lighten up the place.

I drew Louis until my fingers cramped. I drew his 9 year old fringe. I remembered Louis. I remembered making him laugh one day in class. The crinkles by his eyes when he did. I remembered Louis all round.

To say Anne wasn't mad, was and understatement. She was furious. I couldn't hold the feelings I had for Louis. She yelled and that was the first day I fought back.

She kept saying to lighten the place not cover it with Louis's face. So I simply told her, "I did lighten the place."

I was beat. I beaten up so bad, I was having a panic attack, and she left me to suffer. I remember crawling to the wall and began singing to Louis.

I always sang to the drawing when I was ready to break down and end this nightmare.

I have gone days without food because I've made Anne mad. She was my ONLY source of food and water. I've recently made her mad because I cut my hair. I realized if I cut it I wouldn't have to see Anne anymore. 

It was like Repunzel. She climbed my locks. The curls were to much and too long. So I cut it all. I never wanted to see her again.

I twisted and braided it until it tied together like rope, long and thick rope. Rope was my escape tomorrow.

I looked back up at my wall making sure it was January 31st on my calendar. Tomorrow was the day. The calendar was the only thing that occupied my time these days.

I remained sitting on the stool as I added the last bit of hair to my long enough rope. I could hear Anne to begin to shout from down below.

"Harry!" She was mad, which only caused the scars on my arms to flare and begin to itch. Okay, fine maybe the drawings on the walls stopped working, but her leaving the glass vases never helped either.

They weren't bad... I just lied. They were awful. I couldn't clean them. I couldn't wrap them. My skin was always raw which only lead to me peeling them and making them worse, if that was possible. But they've never gotten infected.

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