The Closet.

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Okay get ready to be over powered by emotions. its for lar-anniversary!!!

Louis lifted his shaky hand and slowly slid the contract into place on the desk.

He believes knows what he's done. He didn't care because he believes he's doing the right thing. He's not he has no idea what he's gotten himself into.

That night he went to bed in peace. He thought he'd live his dream. He believed the main focus in this career would be the music... yeah right.

Until he woke up the next morning. He opened his eyes and saw nothing but black, pitch black.

At first, he thought it was a dream, yet it felt so real. He wanted to wake up for what felt like hours of sleeping, so he pinched and prodded at his skin in attempt to wake up. He blinked. He blinked so many times he's bound to get pink eye. He could feel his nails come into contact with his skin. He knew. He wasn't asleep.

He began to roll over slowly making sure he just wasn't in his room. But the hard surface on his back, gave away that he wasn't on his bed.

He rolled until his the back of right shoulder hit another hard surface. He slowly felt around to feel four walls around him and the floor. He explored further trying to find a roof of some sort. But he didn't.

All he could figure out from feeling around is that he's in a rectangular shape box.

He found himself hitting the box only to find out it was glass. Maybe if I hit hard enough, he thought. It didn't work; it did absolutely nothing.

He began in an attempt to be heard by screaming. Maybe someone is bound to hear him. He yelled nonsense. He yelled names to animals.

He thinks of it as if he's been buried alive. Cause he definitely losing air.

Peoples voices echoed through the glass wall.

He feels like he's being exposed yet no one can really see him.

"Do you hear me!?" He screamed in a second attempt to be heard. "I do!" One voice went off with thousands of others. Almost as if in that moment, He was meant to be heard.

Before he could call for help the box shook as it got impossibly darker in the box and the voices stopped.

A bright light began seeping through the top as the word bullshit was scribbled across the top of the dark wall.

He jumped in attempt to see through, but he was to short. Then it all went black again.

He suddenly huge was at a loss of breath. He fell to the floor as the glass hugged his legs and arms. A panic slowly eased its way into Louis' system and before he could give it a second thought. He was out.

In his sleep he contemplated life.

No one could hear. No one could see. No one cares. Maybe this was a joke to give a good scare. Maybe Zayn had something to do with it. Or even Liam.

More light came through but this time through the bottom. It read:

Some people

Genuinely seriously

Think we are

In a relationship

Each wall read those exact words. I don't know what they meant or why they're there.

He couldn't find away to see through but when he did there we nothing there cause he as to late the words disappeared.

His stomach growls crunches up and howls. That day Louis had fallen asleep with a tear stained face.

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