CH9: Puppets

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The next day we found ourselves in a forest on a jeep with forest rangers. We had been roaming around for an hour for now but nowhere did we get to see tigers. Though we did get to see deer's. The rangers told us that the tigers must have gone deep within the forest since this time of the year it is more crowded than they are used to. We just have 15 minutes more on our hands after that our session would expire.

Sooner the 15 minutes expire and the jeeps take a uturn to take us towards the exit gate. The rangers share with us that the animals have been restless this entire week so everyone's experience is the same as ours.

"Imagine coming so far and you get to see nothing," says Sara.

"Well there's always the zoo," says Neil as a matter of fact.

"I for one can't wait to see the puppet show," he says while looking at me knowingly.

"Gia's dad would take her to see a puppet show every now and then when she was small. And when those shows became a rarity he took it upon himself and became a puppeteer with socks and bead eyes, just for her," says mother while her eyes glisten.

"I know," he says, which creates a wave of surprise around everyone. I jump in to do some damage control.

"He was there when I was telling Sara about the same thing."

"Well I don't remember," says Sara to get me in trouble.

"I know a certain someone that could help you jog your memory," teases Neil. Our mothers just look at each other perplexed and dismiss it as childish humour.

When we reach back to our hotels we start packing our bags as we have our flight back home at midnight and we'll be too tired to do so once we get back from the show. Taking a shower we all assemble to have lunch and straight away leave for the puppet show.

There is no particular seat system for this show. You have to sit down on the floor and watch it among others. The mothers sit comfortably at the back of the house and lean their backs on the wall. While the three of us sit at the front as that area is still up for grabs. People start filing in and the light gets dimmer. Sara had stepped out to use the restroom. When she returns there isn't much room left for her, so to make herself comfortable she pushes against me and I get plastered to Neil. He puts his arm around me protectively and in order to make it comfortable for the both of us. As the lights are dimmed I lean into him.

The show starts and tells a story of star crossed lovers. The talent is commendable, the way they move their fingers and the change in tone, voice pitch as characters change. At one point in the story the puppets peck each other on the lips and the crowds go 'aww'. I take this moment to feel Neil around me. I am leaning against him and can feel his knees touching mine. His arm is around me and I look up at him. He's already looking at me with a loving expression. The crowd starts to laugh at something going on in the show while I put my head on Neil's shoulder and continue watching the show. I can feel Sara looking at us from the corner of her eyes. When Neil's gets really close to my ears, I can feel his breath on my cheeks and he says

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I nod with my eyes still glued to the stage. He says

"A little too much i would say," and smiles.

"Is my head bothering your bony shoulder?" I ask

"You and I both know they are far from being bony. I could show you the proof."

"I would like to see them."

"What!" he says, a little shocked.

"What kind of judge would I be if I don't see the proof," I whisper. Neil smiles and it warms my heart. I put my hand on his knee and we watch the rest of the show.


On the flight back all of us are sitting with our respective mothers. Too tired to do anything, all of them are asleep except me. I can't bring myself to close my eyes so I'm watching a movie on my phone. An airhostess comes and stands in front of our seats and hands me a chit of paper. Taking out my earphones she says, "For you, from D-15". I open it and it says,

You-me, tomorrow 6pm? Pastry House.

                                                                              -Your Master

A smile forms on my lips. I turn the chit towards a clean side and search for a pen in my shoulder bag. All it has is a couple of tissues and makeup stuff. The airhostess is also waiting for me to write so that she can take it back to him. I find my black eyeliner, sorry but you have to suffice for now.

Though you'd never ask.

                                                               -Yours and only yours

I fold the chit and hand it over to her, who takes it over to him. Neil is chewing on the backside of the pen when he reads it. His mouth drops open wide and the pens roll over under someone's seat. He looks over at me and I have a huge grin on my face. 

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