CH23: What do you want?

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It's almost 10pm at night, usually this is the time when everyone goes to bed but they are too restless, anxious to even have their eyes blink. Sara's mother goes around the room handing everyone a cup of tea, to keep them active and not let them sleep. Karan declines the offer of a tea, he's never liked it. I'm glad he's here, it calms Sara's dad to know there is another male figure in the house if things become heated. He sits on the other end of the couch which has been occupied by Sara's dad. The women of the family are seated on the dining table. Sara is in her room and wants to be notified once they arrive. I, on the other hand, am standing in the kitchen in front of the stove, waiting for the milk to boil so that I can pour it into my coffee.

I'm stirring my coffee when Karan wraps his arms around my waist and nudges the side of my neck leaving a wet kiss in its wake.

"You good?" He turns to me until I'm facing him. My coffee abandoned on the kitchen counter.

"Hmm," I mutter through my teeth.

"So, what can I expect from this Neil guy?"

"Nothing extraordinary."

"He's not buffed right? Like I can take him down?" Karan jokes around.

"He's not worth it. Don't worry he's out of the picture." I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him close.

"If only I had a dime for every time woman said that."

"Stop it will you." I kiss him on his lips but it's brief as the ringing of the door bell distracts us both.

Karan leaves to greet them while I sip my coffee in the kitchen. My mother enters the kitchen after a few minutes and instructs me to make coffee for them. Two cups. That means he's definitely here. Our conversation last night was brief. I just asked him for Jay's number, he said he'll text it to me. Once I received it, he asked me how I was doing, instead of answering him I cut the call. I pour the coffee into two cups and take them on a tray into the living room. My eyes are downcast as if this is a 90s set up and the groom's family has come to meet me. I put the tray on the table before them and hand Jay a cup first. He's grown to be quite a handsome fellow. He's well groomed, a little nervous right now given the predicament he is in. I pick up the next cup and hand it to Neil. He takes his sweet time to pull the cup towards him. Biding his time to look at me as I was looking at him. He looks sharper and wiser with age. He's got a little stubble growing that gives him this mature, rugged face. He's staring at me for way too long now. I put some distance between us and go stand beside Karan, his arm comes to rest on my shoulder. Neil chooses to focus on his coffee rather than us. Sara also joins us and bravely sits beside Jay.

"Dad, you wanna start?" She goads her father.

"You should be glad that he's sitting on my couch, drinking my coffee otherwise he would have ended up behind bars for what he has done." Jay pails upon hearing this.

"It takes two to make a baby."

"Sara please, your statements are not welcomed right now. Think about what you're putting your father and me through." Sara's mother has been quiet throughout the entire ordeal except now.

"Whatever has been done. Fine. Dusted. You two will get married now," she says.

"Mom!", "I'm fine with that." Both Sara and Jay speak at the same time. Though more shocking is Jay's admission to everyone. We all thought he would be quite the nuisance.

"You're fine with it?" Sara asks him.

"Yes. We both may not have wanted to get married like this. But life is not the same for everyone and I'm not going to be one of those father's who is not around. I made a mistake and I'm here to own it."

"How can we get married when you think this is a mistake?"

"Sara lets start fresh even if it means to start with a child. Maybe this is how it ends for us. You, me and the baby."

"No," I say in between his sentimental monologue. All eyes turn to me.

"Jay and her, not happening. Have we even asked Sara what she wants to do with this pregnancy? Maybe she doesn't even want it."

"How could you say such a cruel thing," Sara's mom remarks. "Look at her Janki after everything that has happened because of her, your daughter is choosing to further wreck havoc in my daughter's life."

"Don't talk to her like that".

"It's not her fault".

Both Neil and Karan speak together at the same time on my behalf. Neil looks over at Karan for the first time since he arrived and they both stare at each other. Great job at making things not awkward. Ignoring them I genuinely ask her.

"What do you want, Sara? I'm there for you and will support you no matter what your decision is."

"I need some time."

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