CH20: A Locket of Love

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This time it's just me, my mother, Sara's mother and my maternal grandparents beside me as I cut my birthday cake. As everyone starts eating a piece of cake I proceed to unwrap the gifts I received. My grandparents just hand me a cash envelope, Sara's mother gives me a gift card for H&M and my mother gives me a new model of iPhone which makes me really happy. My phone anyway had to be replaced. We have a family meal after a really long time and play cards afterwards. As the clock hits 11 pm we call it a day and everyone takes off for their home. Mom gives me a kiss on my forehead before disappearing into her room. I wait for a good half-an-hour before leaving the house with a small handbag. I receive a text from Neil saying that he's waiting for me in the parking lot as I step into the lift.

I walk towards Neil's usual parking spot and find him leaning on his bike with a black leather jacket on. He envelops me into a hug as soon as I reach him and tips my chin upwards to kiss me on the lips.

"Hi," he says.

"Hi," I say blushing.

"You're ready?" He removes one helmet hanging from one side of the bike's handles and puts it on for me. He does the same for him. I wait as he starts his bike and reverses it so that we're facing towards the exit. As I swing my leg to sit on the bike, I feel a bit of pain in my system and try to make myself comfortable.

"You good?"

"Yes, just a bit sore," I tell him.

"Sorry love," he says in a cocky manner.

"Are you?"

"Not one bit." With that we take off.

The roads are empty and are lightened by street lights above us. I put my arms around his waist and my chin on his shoulder to get a better view of the road in front of us. Neil's going over the limit but I trust him to still ride safely. The air feels cold leaving me to shiver and paste myself to Neil's back.

"Are you cold?" his voice cutting over the wind.

"You warm me up."

He stops his bike at a roadside stall which is crowded at 12pm at night. Neil orders a plate of Maggi(noodles) for the both of us. It comes with two forks and we both share it. Neil feeds me from his fork at times. I almost forget as I pull out a small lunch box from my bag. It is a little piece of my birthday cake, I feed him from it. After we finish our meals we both take a walk in the surrounding area, hand in hand. The temperature has dropped a little and the wind passing through leaves my hands cold. He removes his jacket and puts it on my shoulder. We come to stand on a spot from where we get a clear view of the moon.

"I don't want this night to end," I tell him honestly and put my head on his shoulder.

"Then let's make it count." Neil takes out a small box from his jeans pocket, surprising me.

"Neil," I am astonished as I turn to face him. He must have seen the perplexed expression on my face as he laughs.

"It's not what you think." He opens and takes out a heart shaped necklace.

"Can I ?" I turn my back to hand hold my hair away from my neck. He places the necklace around my neck, securing it at the back. He places a kiss on the back of my neck and turns me.

"Happy Birthday," he wishes me again. I touch the heart with my fingers, it has intricate lines all across it.

"Now you literally have my heart," he jokes.

"I thought I already did." I pull him for a kiss and his hands move towards my waist pulling me in. Our kiss gets a bit heated as his tongue enters my mouth and his hands travel lower. We hear bikes moving in the background with boys hooting as they see us. We immediately part, feeling embarrassed and shy. Neil takes my hand and we both move towards the bike.

On our way back, I am really tired as I feel my eyes dropping. We park his bike and enter the lift hitting our floors respectively. As the lift opens on my floor and I try to get out but Neil puts his legs on the sensor, halting the doors to close on us soon.

"Do you wanna go up to my room," he asks impulsively.

"My mother would kill me if she gets to know plus your mom is still at your house."

"My mom doesn't care. I'll sneak you in. Even if she does get to know, she won't tell a soul." I contemplate it.

"I'll wake you up so you can sneak out before dawn, that way even your mother would not get to know. C'mon Gia please," he looks so cute right now. How can I say no?

"Ok, let's go."

We get off at his floor, the keys jingle in his hands as he takes them out from his pocket but as we near, we hear shouts coming from his house. Neil doesn't think twice before putting in his key and swinging the door open. 


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