CH17: Amity University?

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"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said, it's like he doesn't even know me," Sara says as she ruffles through clothes hanging from a rod.

"That's not true," I tell her.

It's been a week since Holi celebrations. I can't stop thinking about that day, what a disaster it was. Mother woke up screaming and bringing the house down, not at me but at Sara and Jay. Sara was grounded for a week and only came out today as her father surprised her with a trip, what a shocker. But the trip is more like a three day trek in the mountains. So the thought of tent, camping and walking miles does not really excite her. Whereas Jay on the other hand has been quite the romantic, according to Sara. He has been throwing notes wrapped in stones on her balcony all week.

"Don't mistake that for love Sara. It's his guilty conscience. He was the one who got you and everyone drunk. I don't think he's good for you," I tell her.

"He's Neil's best friend".

"That is not the parameter by which you judge someone".

"You think Neil has a bad choice?"

"Well he's not the smartest one in the lot".

"Oh no, I sense trouble in paradise," she says.

"Nothing like that".

Really, everything has been going great with him, except the fact that I caught his mother with my uncle. I thought she was happy, maybe I'm stretching it but in the entire world she could only find Sara's dad? When I caught them all Mrs. Sharma did was hold both my hands in her and said not to tell anyone. She meant her son, whom I'm dating. Very convenient for her to put me in such a situation. Whereas Sara's dad just quietly slipped out of the room. He located Sara and took her home in his arms with Neil helping him. He did not even ask where his ex wife, whom I was looking for was? Lucky for Sara's mom she had already left before the debacle that took place as she was called for a work emergency.

"What about this?" She holds a pair of sports shorts.

"Buy something that covers you and protects you from ticks and stuff".

She nods and looks for other stuff. While I surf through my phone. I have already started looking for colleges to apply for, one of them being extremely special. I have to start preparing for its entrance exams and the forms have started rolling in. After Sara makes her purchases she drops me at Pastry House and goes her way. I straightaway go to my table on the first floor and order two strawberry pastries. Neil joins me there after ten minutes. We catch up as we usually do till our pastries arrive. Neil feeds me the first bite of his pastry which leaves a bit of frosting on my lips and I swipe it with my tongue. His eyes linger on my lips for quite a few seconds.

So, big day is coming soon," he says to divert his attention.

"It is, I'm going to be 18. What has my oh so lovely boyfriend planned?"

"There's nothing to tell because there is nothing"

"Knowing you there is always something. Hide it all you want". He laughs open heartedly and says,

"Any college plans? The forms are going to be out soon".

"Yes, I have narrowed it down to the top 10 colleges I must fill. But I only wanna get in one".

"Tell me," he says in between chewing.

"I wanna go to Amity". Neil swallows and looks at me seriously.

"Any particular reason why?"

"They have great courses," I justify.

"That's it?" he says annoyingly. He finally says what's on his mind.

"Gia, don't be that girl".

"What do you mean?" I ask in an offended tone.

"Don't go there just because I do. Pick a college which is good for you. I don't even like that college. I can't wait to get out of there at first chance".

"It's not because of you".

"Then tell me why not go to your father's alma mater. They would be glad to have you".

"I don't wanna go there," I tell him. Neil leans back in his chair, swipes his mouth with a napkin kept on the table and speaks frankly.

"You're suffocating me".

"Excuse me, a two month old relationship is suffocating for you now?"

"You're making it," he raises his voice. I refuse to talk to him and create a scene here, after all we're regular customers here and the staff recognises us. So we both finish our respective sweets which Neil pays for and later calls me a cab as well. He excuses himself to go somewhere else and I take the cab back home alone. 


Sorry for this short update, I promise to make it up to you. Would love any feedback on the story up till now. 

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