CH14: Festival of Colours

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February goes by and spring commences with March. The perfect weather when the sun isn't too bright and the wintery cold has almost passed. The festival of Holi is tomorrow. My mother and I are shopping for colour packets, water balloons and water guns. Mother is paying at the counter for the stuff when we see Neil and his mom entering the same shop. With the bill in hand mother steps to the side and greets Kathy. Neil stands behind his mom with shopping bags in hand.

"Fancy seeing you here," he addresses me.

"Where else would I be? I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe in the arms of your new boyfriend," he puts emphasis on the word boyfriend.

"Boyfriend?" mother questions from in between her conversation. I break the word for her.

"Boy who's a friend. That's what he said, right?"

"Sure," he says nonchalantly while Kathy laughs.

"What are your plans for tomorrow," Kathy asks.

"She'd probably be rolled up in her blanket. Wouldn't want any colours on her sensitive skin," answers Neil on my behalf.

"Oh, you seem to know a lot about what I do".

"Lately I have made it my business," he says with an air of confidence.

"Mother lets go." I tug her hand and she says goodbye to Kathy. "You better watch out tomorrow, wouldn't want any colours on your sensitive skin," I mock him.

"It's on," he says as we both pull our mothers in the opposite direction.


"It's 7 March, 7am. I repeat it's 7 March, 7am. Does seem like Angel time. Can we make a wish? If yes, my wish would be to beat their ass today. Gia is in a total battle mood today. As you all can see, she's wearing ratty old clothes, her hair is up in a bun. She may look homeless but she isn't".

"Will you put the camera down Sara?"

"What? Shouldn't we document it? This is like our war. A girls war. How many are even there in history? None!" she says.

"Document our war against my boyfriend?" I ask her.'

"Everything's fair in love and war miss. Plus my boyfriend is also involved".

"What do you think? How many of them are there?"

"Honestly just Jay and Neil".

"Is our team ready?" I ask her, she nods. Giving one last encouragement I say,

"Let's do this".

Strapping a water tank to my back and holding the water gun I leave my apartment and head towards the building. I have an airpod in my right ear through which I am communicating with Sara who's standing on my balcony. With 3 stripes of colour on my face as commando's do to blend in their surroundings, I take the lift to the ground floor.

Once reached, I take each and every step with utmost precaution. When I encounter a large pot of plant or the huge gate of the building I become extra vigilant. Speaking into my airpods I ask,

"Copy, Do you see anyone? Over".

"Not a single bird in sight, they're good at this, over".

"They won't hold that status for long, over."

Just then a soft ball rolls over and stops at my legs. Looking at the direction it came from, the arrows of parking light up, I say

"I think I know where they are".

"Don't go there, they are trying to ambush you," Sara says.

"I'm going in". With that I tighten the strap of my water tank and start heading towards you.

"I'm sending you backup," her voice fades in and out as I head into the basement.

"I'm already losing you," I tell her.

The parking lot is filled with cars today as it is a holiday which makes it a perfect hiding place. I enter in between the first lane of cars, I see. Behind me I hear loud and clear footsteps as I turn I see Jay standing there with a creepy smile on his face.

"Stop with that disturbing smile," I tell him.

"Oh,ok". He listens to me but begins with a dialogue as if we are in an action movie.

"You naive little girl, you came here alone. I have been told to leave your face alone, so I'm going to AAHHH".

Yep, that happened. My team of five kids jump on him and tackle him to the ground. They put colour on his entire face, blocking his view. Water balloons are thrown in places it will really hurt and I leave the naive little girl to search for the one. I head towards his bike knowing if I go anywhere near those leather seats he got recently he's gonna come crawling out of his hibernation.

When I reach the spot it is usually parked at I'm surprised to see him in a white shirt with no spot of colour either on his clothes or his face. He's clean shaven with his hair combed backwards. God he's beautiful and the way he leans on his bike, he knows it.

"Surprised to see me," he asks.

"Not really. I come prepared unlike some people".

"Of course you do. How rude of me to not notice your Lilliputians". A gasp leaves my mouth.

"Was that a Gulliver's Travels reference? You finally read it, Aw my baby!"

"I knew you would be proud," he says while shying.

"I'm going to make you such a reader," I squeal.

"Gia concentrate on the task at hand," he says.

"All ill forgotten," I say as I remove the water tank. "I just want to be the first one to put colour on you," I tell him earnestly.

I approach him with a colour packet in hand, he bends his neck for me to reach his cheek easily as I put the colour red on both his cheeks.

"My turn," he says while imitating the actions. We embrace for a long time after that with head resting on my shoulder while I nestled my head in his chest. We break apart when we hear the revving of an engine as a car enters the basement and parks on the spot beside us. The man who exits from the car is none other than Sara's dad who greets both of us. Sara also comes running to the parking lot and hugs her dad with Jay behind her. She takes both of them to our apartment for further festivities while introducing them. I would have laughed at the situation but I wasn't paying any attention to them, my eyes were glued to the car. We follow them only after Neil tugs on my hand and burst my bubble of thought. 


Holi is a popular and significant Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colours, Love, and Spring. It celebrates the eternal and divine love of the deities Radha and Krishna (According to Wikipedia).  

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