29| Slow and steady

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I and Stacy settled in to the hotel room. It was big and nicely arranged. There was enough room in the closet so I had a temporary place to keep our stuff . The next step was to start looking for apartments that were up for rent so we could leave before our time at the hotel was up . When we were done moving our things into the closet, I lay down briefly to recoup my energy and put the name of Mr Hale's automobile company in written, lest I forgot it again. Stacy stepped out of the bathroom, still looking confused. She had no idea what was going on and I had no intention of explaining it to her because as much as I was mad at my mom for what she did, the problem was between me and Mom and I didn't want to give Stacy a bad impression of her grandma.

" Mommy, you didn't tell me why we had to leave grandma's house. "

" Don't worry about that honey, it'll be sorted out in due time. "

" Mommy c'mon, I'm not a kid anymore and I know what something is wrong. Tell me, what is it ? "

" Of course you're not a kid honey but like I said before, you shouldn't worry about it okay ? I'll sort things out eventually"

" Are you going to tell grandma that we're moving to our own house?"

" For now , I have no intention of doing that but maybe sometime in the future she'll find out"

" Right. You're mad at grandma aren't you ?"

" Yes I am but ..."

" I won't ask anymore questions, I just wanted to know what happened ? "

" Do you know now ? "

" No, but I'm satisfied with the answer you gave me "

" You're really grown up now baby "


I sat in the family living room, with the TV turned on even though I wasn't watching it. I was going through some information about the federal military medics hospitals around. I didn't have the name of the one where Mrs White worked but I knew I would find it eventually. I scrolled through the information I had on each of the listed hospitals. I finally found one that seemed familiar. I had heard the name before, most likely from Emma. I went straight to click the enquires button and I dialed the cell numbers that were there.

" Good day "

" Good day, this is the military medics head hospital , how may I help you ? "

" Uh, yeah, I'm asking after Mrs White ? "

" Yes, she's on seat, do you want to book an appointment ? "

" Not exactly, I'm quite close to her daughter, miss White "

" Okay... Can't u call miss White ? "

" Well, for now I need to get to miss White through her mother "

" Okay, what's your name so I'll let her know "

" Nathan. Nathan Hale "

" Okay Mr Hale, I'll get back to you "

" Thank you "


Darkness was slowly setting in, mom would have been finishing up at the hospital and getting ready to head home. Unfortunately, she'd get home and not meet me ... Or her lovely grand child. At that point though, I didn't care much because I was still struggling to get over it. Stacy was fast asleep, she had been so sad and refused to talk to me after the little discussion. I didn't blame her, she couldn't understand even if I explained things to her and I didn't want to paint her grandma black. I had to be up early anyway, but I was seriously toying with the idea of going to bed early. I didn't have anything doing but my mind was too occupied for me to easily fall asleep. I finally admitted that to myself and got out of bed in defeat. I opened the little fridge in the room and took out my juice . I sat up in bed with a generous amount of juice on my bedside table, my laptop on my laps and my glasses on I exhaled sharply. I started scrolling through any accommodation information I could get. I had to leave the hotel sooner or later.  It was few minutes to ten when a call came in, it was mom. I took one long stare at my phone as it rang and then stopped ringing. As expected, she called again

" You're unto Miss White, what do you want  ?"

" Honey, how are you doing ? "

" Mrs White, it's 9:56 pm , Stacy's sleeping and I'm trying to get some sleep as well. I'm really not in for this discussion tonight "

" I understand sweetie. I didn't call to discuss that. That's something we'll discuss in person. I just wanted to make sure you're fine and my grand kid is fine too. Did you get a place to stay ? "

I was surprised, that was definitely not what I was expecting. But it was good enough, at least she knew the right approach

" Yes. We're at a hotel now and we'll be here until I'm able to get an apartment where we'll be staying permanently "

" You really didn't have to leave like that though, the house is huge enough to house two families comfortably "

" Living under the same roof with you at this point would drive me insane so I guess this is the best thing to do right now "

" Alright, as long as you're okay and my grand daughter is okay, and you're feeding and living well, I'm happy "

" You know very well that I can survive on my own and train Stacy comfortably with my savings at least for the next few three years, even if I loose my job right now. "

" Well , if you say so honey. "

" I'm going to bed, goodnight "

" Goodnight honey "

Of course it was annoying and of course I was super mad at her, but still she just had the perfect approach. And as much as I didn't want to talk to her, I had the thought at the back of my mind that she'd die of a heart attack if something happened to me or Stacy... Well yeah, I talked to her to calm her nerves but I bet she knew that I wasn't going to speak to her more than that.

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