The Church, The Second Leaf, And A Boy Named Asta

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There it was, the library of Hage village, where teens would go to get their grimoire. Y/n already had a grimoire, but if he was lucky, maybe he could see Yuno again. Oh, how he missed Yuno, his first and only friend.

Y/n followed the crowd, entering the library, amazed and slightly overwhelmed by the large amount of people. He felt his heart quicken and his breathe start to get uneven, he was not doing well, this was his first time around people, and it was a lot.
As the voices grew louder he brought his hands to his ears, getting scared of everything going on around him.

Meanwhile, in the crowd there were two boys, one known as Yuno, and the other, his brother Asta. While Asta showed amazement and excitement, Yuno held his nonchalant expression like usual, but it disappeared when he spotted someone he didn't think he would ever see again....his angel. He looked just as beautiful as the day they met, but something was different this time.....he looked, scared?

Yuno realized what was going on and pushed through the crowd to the boy, as soon as he got there, he grabbed his wrist and dragged him behind one of the pillars in the library, trying to calm the boy down.

"Y-Yuno?" Y/n asked as he looked up at the boy who was obviously much taller than him. After their time apart, they looked much older, but the beautiful golden eyes, and the small smile Yuno had was something Y/n would never forget.

"Hey, it's okay. Try and calm down alright." Yuno comforted the small boy, as Y/n did what he asked and evened out his breathing. Once he was calm he stood straight and looked up at the boy who saved him once again.
"What are you doing here?" He asked Y/n softly, with a blank expression.
"I wanted to see you again, this is the only place that I know you'd be" he said in his quiet voice with his usual glowing smile. The sight alone brought a smile to Yuno's stoic face.

"I see....its good to see you again..." To say Yuno was relieved was an understatement. He had always wondered if Y/n hated him for leaving without a word, but the look in his eyes made him realize how stupid he was to ever think that his angel would harbor hate in his heart.

As the two of them were interacting, the boy named Asta was running around looking at the grimoires in wonder. However, as he was looking around he noticed how his brother had disappeared from his side. Searching the crowd, he saw Yuno talking to a boy with snow white hair. In the blink of an eye, he was right there with the two of them.
"YUNNNNOOOOO!!!!" He yells as he runs to them. His loud voice gets everyone's attention as they turn to the three of them, Y/n cowering behind Yuno from all the stares that were on them.
"What Asta" Yuno said in his apathetic way, and everyone started to lose interest as they realized it wasn't anything special.
"Who's this!?" Asta said while leaning to the side to look at Y/n.
Yuno didn't bother to answer him, and instead just took to shielding Y/n from the stares.
" know him?" Y/n's soft voice filled his ears and Yuno couldn't help but answer his inquiry.
"He's my brother" he said, still apathetic.

Once Y/n realized that, he stepped out from behind Yuno and smiled at Asta.
"Hello, I'm Y/n"
"I'm Asta, and I'm going to be the next wizard king!" Y/n giggled at his enthusiasm as Yuno rolled his eyes.
"That's for me to say"

As the three of them laughed and got to know each other or catch up, the ceremony started. Asta and Yuno made their way to the center of the library, while Y/n decided to stay on the sidelines and watch.

Everyone watched in wonder as books started to fly around the room, going to their new owner, but what really caught their eye was Yuno, standing with a four leaf clover grimoire. It was obvious how powerful he was, and many looked at him in envy, but the only one he cared about was y/n.
Yuno looked over to where the boy was, hoping to see a proud lookout his face, but when he did, he froze in surprise. There Y/n was, with a second grimoire, it had the same shape as his first one, but this one was green with a red clover leaf instead, and it still had the corners cut off.
How was that possible? How could he have two grimoires? This is what ran through Yuno's mind, but he was quickly cut off by the laughs and disappointed yells.
As he looked over he noticed that Asta hadn't received a grimoire, but he wasn't exactly surprised, he had no magic after all.
Still, he knew Asta wouldn't give up, and he knew that he had to work hard, to be better than Asta....and Y/n.

After the ceremony, Asta invited Y/n to the church, and he gladly accepted. As the three of them were headed there, Asta asked about y/n's grimoire.

"What grimoire did you get Y/n?" He wasn't really sure if he should show Asta his grimoires. He felt bad that he had two and Asta didn't have any. He was contemplating whether or not to show him when Yuno read his mind.
"Go ahead, it's not rude" Y/n was slightly surprised by his intuition, but listened to what he said and brought out his two grimoires.
"WOAAAHH!!!" Asta said in wonder as he looked at his grimoires, bringing a smile to Y/n's face.
"Sorry you don't have one, seems unfare." He apologized softly to the boy, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I will get a grimoire, and become the wizard king!" Asta said while pointing a thumb at his own chest. His incredible determination made Y/n giggle a little as he covered his mouth.
"I'm sure you will, Asta."
When he did, Asta seemed to pause for a second before going back to normal and leaning towards Y/n's face.
"Y'know, you're actually kinda cute." He said this as if it were just a plain fact, and what's worse, is that Y/n accepted it as a fact.
"Oh, really? Thanks." He smiled back at Asta as the two of them kept walking to the church like it was nothing. Yuno couldn't help rolling his eyes at the bluntness and obliviousness of the two as he followed behind them. He understands y/n not knowing what flirting is, but Asta was just a pure idiot.

Later that night, the two of them introduced y/n to the church, and they immediately accepted him as part of their family, loving on him and making him their village delicacies.

While they were eating, the priest was praising Yuno for his incredible grimoire while saying that he wasn't exactly surprised by Asta's lack of one. Everyone around the table agreed, but before he could defend himself, Y/n cut in.

"I don't know. Yeah, Asta's different, but in my experience..."he smiles softly at everyone, capturing their hearts" different is always better!" He laughed, smiling. Never had Y/n felt so welcome, so at home, so happy. He loved it here, and he realized that maybe, just maybe, leaving the cave he had called 'home' was the best decision of his life.

"I thought my heart belonged to Sister Lilly. So what is this...."-????

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