Tick-Tick 1

7 1 2


Miss Liliane Lune Clyde," the Chief boiled up as her little whoopsie fingers missed to clutch down the thrown keys, sailing at her direction, which alas ended up hitting the Chief Loid's bald head, of the security system of Northpass's archelogy museum. "It is certainly not a kinder-garden for you to play catch-catch with your subordinates. Stop these little musings of yours which draws harm to others or your following month's wage will be missing a last zero. Don't try to bargain with me if my predictions are proved correct by your little fun."

The Chief turned towards the offender and thrower of the keys, Odette Lumiere who somehow ended up becoming the other employee's best friend a year ago. It's odd that how they met one day and find other in the room weird but after the ticking of cloak, became each other's human-emotional support punch bag.

Is that what defines 'best friends'? Then what a lavish Liliane owns by having a best friend. A priceless asset worth grieving for.

Odette was a natural dark blonde haired beauty blessed with both physique and interpersonal intelligent, by contrast to her, Liliane's nature gift was possessing the uncommon enticing danger trait and bodily kinesthetic intelligence with an average Asian outer appearance- Black strands of hair, dark eyes with golden specks near the pupil, and a work-out height with a small frame. A fine appearance with a good paying civil job.

"What a tiring man," Odette groaned as she grabbed Liliane's arm firmly after getting lectured by a certain impossible old bald, resting her head on her friend's shoulder. "He ruined the mood."

"How rare," Liliane's tone turned sarcastic as she goes to emphases her work as a security guard of the museum where Odette works as a receptionist in the front wing of the building.

Odette brows raises when Liliane shrugs her shoulders to remove the leech off from its host as the working hours didn't seem to end after ten. The last thing Liliane wanted was to get her salary reduced to half and rely on her indifferent mate forced on her by both destiny and parents.

Forced she might say as one's life is unpredictable. Before you're even born, your entire life is resolved by someone. Either by a deity scripting everyone's destiny or your maternities deciding your carrier without even enquiring your taste in life. Gods and parents against a depressed overworking soul who is anticipating fiction to merge in reality. What a life!

 There are certain expectations a person must grasp for and for that there are specific rules to stomach. Liliane just have to follow them blindly here without questioning or renouncing her descendant's policies.

In Northpass, where human's existence was infrequent and supernatural's like werewolves reign over the city as majority, they too had to face the familiar disturbance in ecosystem throughout the time. The supernatural's lost their powers and spirituality, leaving only blood running through theirs offspring's veins.  

Instead of formidable divine wolves, there subsists now were simple human skinned wolves with destined mates obeying the law and order only applied to these specific individuals as each species have diverse rules . They might be the descendants of those powerful creatures but are still mere presences with no specialty or whatsoever power like transforming into a beast with the moon goddess's blessing or sensing special connection with your mate. Werewolves yet skinned and more like human with a destined partner in one line. 

How unmerited for Liliane who will never fancy her chosen partner but have to abide by decrees that commands, 'You can't love another as you please when the deity had decided one for you'. If only she was not a descendant of any supernatural species because like her lineage, other creatures too have create absurd rules and boundaries which came in existence after the disturbance. 

 She wished to be a powerful werewolf like her ancestors who governed over both cities and woods and had no trouble in their love and marriage life. But, in the end she just have werewolf blood and human skin with a soulmate who she doesn't fancy or feel a special connection.

"Love,' Odette again endeavors to cling on Liliane, transporting her back on earth. "A weird kid asked me-"

"-Which kid is not weird here," Liliane distances herself from her snug friend. 

"Facts." Odette comments before continuing, "So that child wondered that what a person might do if a zombie bites him?"

"If it were me," Liliane mulls over with a sudden impulse. Her lips twitch with notions before words escaped from her mouth fluently without consideration, "I will bite the zombie back before dying or turning like them."

"I would love to track you steps but only if instead of a putrid corpse it will be a vampire who bites me first."

"You realize that you can't romanticize every scenario."

"I can because I'm not a wolf or supernatural that have to tail absurd rules. I can fuck anyone as long as I desire."

"Trying to make me jealous, darling?" Liliane frowns before marching off to the southern wing of the building to conclude her job, leaving a pouting Odette behind with her own dreams. She really is a desperate single human.

It was a pointless talk with a coveting virgin because as she stated, she is welcome to love anyone as long as she doesn't commit a crime, for instance a murder, provoking Northpass's laws. Privileges of a human. 

What a fascinating exotic being living in the city of descendants of different species who at least consists of weak powers and blood-traits unlike the descendants of werewolves who just possess the blessings and blood of their ancestors. Quite a fantasy needing dilemmas as excessive peace is the calm before storm. 


I require tributes who are willing to became dead corpses/zombies in this tale. The username will be the identity of the zombie, if only you are interested to be mentioned in the apocalypse. 

 Feel free to express your thoughts with a decent speech, love.🫵

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