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Two weeks have passed since Wanda was brought to the DODC to await trial. Her allies outside still searched day and night for her children and the rest of her family, most of her family still being locked up by Chthon in an unknown location, but Vision was still on his own mission, taken by Cable to the future, and Spider-Man was still missing as well.

Throughout these two weeks, she has been treated well by everyone in the facility, thanks to Officer Victor. He visited her occasionally, talking things out, getting to know one another better, sometimes he'd simply give her some company when she felt bored out of her mind or when her troubles came to the surface again, causing her to feel a great sadness inside her.

She just couldn't get over the fact that this was really happening, and that she was constantly in the spotlight for the whole world to see. She was given newspapers to read constantly, and every 2nd page every single day was just about her. But the worst thing she couldn't shake was her family being in the grasp of Chthon and she couldn't do anything about it. But Victor always managed to see the positive in things. Telling her it will all be okay. He was always there. At this point, he became the only anchor she had. The two of them already understood each other on a very deep level. She saw a hint of herself inside him, and she knew he saw the same, but she couldn't understand why he always seemed troubled when he spoke with her.

The DODC Supermax

11:50 PM at night

Wanda was having another nightmare. Victor always stood on guard outside the cell room, and it has become almost routine to wake her up just to save her from what she was dreaming. They'd talk for a few minutes until she'd fall back asleep.

Though she has nightmares every night, some nights were worse than others. Some nightmares felt more like a premonition rather than a dream. This was one of those dreams. A dream she couldn't even wake from.

Wanda: No! No!!!

Victor opened the large steel door with a scanner and walked past the yellow line, knocking on the glass cell.

Victor: Wanda. Psst. Hey. Wake up.

Nothing worked. She was trapped, soaking wet from sweat, shaking her head, moving around in a panic state with her eyes shut closed. A few tears escaping them.

Wanda: No!!!!!!!

Victor opened up the cell and shook her awake. She jumped up and screamed in terror, then she started crying.

Victor grabbed her shoulders to calm her.

Victor: Hey hey look at me. It's over. It was a dream. I'm here.

She looked at Victor and suddenly saw a red glow in his eyes. She gasped and ripped his hands off her.

Victor: Is everything alright?

Wanda: I don't... I... What's happening?

Victor: What do you mean?

He suddenly had a torn cloak over his head, concealing his face. She backed away into the corner.

Wanda: Nonononono it can't... This isn't real! No!

He walked forward, his entire outfit changing drastically. His fingers grew sharp nails.

Victor: Wanda what's wrong?

She crouched down in the corner of the cell, screaming with her eyes closed.

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