Chapter 21

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Taylor's Fate

Louis' POV

Here we are again, a bonfire. I loved the bonfires. Just a small gathering with the pack. It was not obligated to be here, but almost everyone was always there. It was a tribute to our Moon Goddess and most felt like they had to be there.

The new members were also introduced to the pack, so maybe that was the reason they were all curious and were here, but saying you are here because you want to honour the Moon Goddess sounds better then saying you are here because you are curious.

Today there were no new rogues initiated in the pack. Only the new born son of a sweet girl I met one or two times in the store. I only had spoken a few words with her.

Harry was also gonna tell the pack about Taylor and what she did. After our fight the gossip was on fire. One theory even more spectacular than the other as to why Taylor would be in the dungeon and not me, since I physically attacked her.

The whole pack had heard by now what had happened to me, and the looks some gave me we annoying. I didn't need their pity, I was very happy with Harry. The whole pack new about me being chosen by the Moon Goddess as the Luna, and the whole pack didn't really bat an eye at the information.

Nobody really asked what was going on with Harry and me, and what would happen in the future. Apparently the pack was very content with the way Harry leaded the pack, and they had all faith in Harry doing the right thing.

We didn't really display our affection when we were out. But we didn't hide it as well. And with Harry being the pack leader and me working in the hospital, we didn't really have much time to go out. If we had time together we rather stay in and be active with each other, if you get what I mean.

I was lost in my thoughts when Niall plopped down beside me. He gave me a side hug. "Why do I have the hear your story through all the gossip and not via you!? I thought you were my friend."

I looked at his face and saw Niall smiling at me.

"Oh Niall, you know you are my best friend," I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, "But unlike you I have to work unregular hours at the hospital."

"But I have a baby, so I have unregular hours too, you could have come to me tell me." Niall pouted at me. "Promise me that next time you come to me, even if it is in the middle of the night."

"Please, don't let there be a next time." I laugh

Niall and I had some small talk after that, and we were waiting for Harry to start his speech. He always took his time with entering the stage, and today was not any different.

Harry held a beautiful speech about the pack and love for each other. And you could feel the happiness radiating through the pack.

"But I also have some news that is not happy," Harry told the pack.

"I think by now everybody here know that Taylor started a fight with Louis, and most will know she is held in the dungeons at the moment. I will tell you know what had happened and what we are going to do."

The mumbling in the pack started. Harry took a deep breath and made eye contact with me.

"We also found out Taylor had met her mate. And the worst thing we found out is that Taylor killer her mate and his brother."

Gasps were heard through the crowd. I saw Harry looking at a point in the distance, I turned around and I saw Taylor's parents standing. They really looked furious.

Her mother started crying and I saw her father wanted to say something to Harry. Liam took his parents and guided them away from the pack.

The silence was deafening.

Harry coughed and had the attention of the pack back.

"Please don't let this news get to you. Let's enjoy or evening, the night is still young!"

And with that the pack let out a loud cheering and the air was clear. Now it was time to party.

I made my way over to Harry who already left the stage, and was on his way to me. We met halfway and Harry took me in his arms and lifted me so he had good access to my scent gland, and he inhaled deeply. "Oh I really needed that, I thought Taylor's parents would make a scene. I was really on edge."

Harry put me back on the ground, but still held his arm on my waist.

"I am glad I asked Liam to sit with them, we knew it was a possibility they would make a scene. And with Liam close we made sure he could intervene as soon as possible. But Liam prevented a whole scene."

"Well he isn't your beta for nothing."

"That is so true," Harry said as he pulled me close to him again. "But enough about Liam, let's talk about you and me."

"You wanna talk about us?" I teased.

Harry pinned me against a tree, "I know something better then talking." He whispered in my ear, as he let his mouth travel down my neck leaving sweet kisses on the way.

I started to moan, the feeling was so good.

I really forgot my surroundings and started grinding against Harry, desperate for some friction. It was amazing how responsive I was to Harry. And Harry knew exactly what to do to make me feel good.

"Let's take this home my lovely," Harry said as he tore his body away from me. I immediately missed his body heat. I couldn't wait to get home, so I pushed of from the tree, grabbing Harry's hand on the way and pulled him with me.

"Let's go to my room in the packhouse, that is closer than your house."

All of a sudden Harry paused and his eyes glazed over, I knew he was being mind linked.

"Taylor escaped."


The guard just woke up after being hit in the head, and saw the cage was open and she was gone. I am sorry, I have to go."

And with that he was gone. I didn't want to go home alone, so I turned around and went back to the bonfire, looking for Niall. 

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