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"James, you know you can leave any time, right? I'm a big girl. I can sleep in my own bed by myself just fine, " Jules huffed as her brothers best friend, James Potter, made himself comfortable his head laying on her chest listening to her heartbeat his hands resting at her hips and the rest of his body sprawled out across her and off her bed.

The two had been flirtatious over the years, but Julie never suspected anything would ever occur from these flirtations.

This was Remus' friend, after all, and it felt wrong to pursue someone her brother was so close to. Someone her brother had opened his heart to and trusted. She knew Remus didn't trust easily, and she refused to take part in messing with anything or anyone that would break his trust.

This, of course, included James.

So as he lazily smiled at her, the girl forced herself to roll her eyes. Her heartbeat told another story, but she figured it was due to the closeness of the pair, nothing more.

"I'm comfortable here, and besides, you know I can't stand Wormys snoring anyways," James protested as he brought his head up to look the girl in the eyes

Part of her always wondered how he could be so cute.

"Fine, you can stay," the girl sighed, caving at the boys' joy.

James immideatly stood up and stripped himself of his shirt and uniform pants. His boxers were the only thing that remained. The boy tip toed to the girls trunk and pulled out a pair of sweatpants he made her keep in there in case he slept over.

He hated wearing clothes to bed, but for Jules's sake, he wore sweatpants. If it were up to him, he'd sleep in just boxers, but he never wanted the girl to feel uncomfortable.

"G'night, Jamie," Jules spoke sleepily as her head hit the pillow

James heart fluttered as he crawled into bed with her mumbling a goodnight and pressing a gentle loving kiss to her temple, the girl was long into dreamland so she never knew every time James slept over he kissed her temple goodnight.

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