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"Where were you last night, Prongs?" Remus asked the boy knowingly

James was a terrible liar, especially when it came to Julie. He was so scared of doing the wrong thing that he'd sit there and stutter till someone, usually Julie, rescued him from the awkward situation.

"Helping me sleep, I'm having nightmares Rem, you know this." Julie spoke so smoothly that even James believed what the girl was saying

Remus shrugged it off, but he knew to keep a closer eye on James. He loved his best friend, but being so close to his sister was a dangerous game. Even if Julie claimed they were just friends nothing more, Remus was still suspicious. He trusted his sister but to an extent.

When the pair were younger, Julie always blamed every minor inconvenience on Remus, typically ending in some sort of argument, which later got the both of them in trouble with their parents.

They were lucky they mostly grew past that and had a better relationship now.

"Have you lot seen how fit the Slytherin Qudditch team has gotten" Julie spoke up and James practically choked on his drink while Remus tried to restart his heart in a dramatic fashion, he had begun taking after a lot of Sirius' mannerisms

Sirius grinned. "I have noticed actually Jules thanks for bringing it up," the two proceeded to talk about which boy they thought was the fittest with the exception of Regulus considering he was Sirius's brother, that would be strange to oogle over him.

"Will you two cut it out before Moony goes over with Prongs and beats the living daylights out of Evan Rosier? Leave the lad alone!" Peter whined as he watched his two friends practically foamed at the mouth at the mention of the blondes name

"Fine, only for you, Wormy." Julie sighed dramatically, blowing the boy a friendly kiss and enjoying watching him shrink into his seat whilst blushing a bright cherry red

"Stop! Just stop talking, Jules. " Remus begged his sister as she just snickered at him

Her playful demeanor would one day send Remus six feet under right into an early grave.

"Just eat your damn breakfast," Julie quipped back, whilst playfully sticking out her tongue


"You wouldn't believe his reaction it was priceless. Padfoot, I'm telling you, we got him so good," James laughed as the four boys made their way to their spot

The shaded tree right next to the black lake they had laid claim on since their first year at hogwarts. The spot has been a symbol of their power amongst the students for as long as anyone can remember.

"Hilarious Prongs, you really know how to make a man proud," Sirius cried out dramatically, flinging himself onto Remus's shoulder. "Isn't that right, Moony?" he asked the tall, lanky boy who walked with him, desperately trying to ignore the pattering in his heart

His sandy brown hair barely dangled in front of his face when he looked down. His dark chocolate brown eyes desperately tried to pay attention to the book clutched in his caloused and scared hands.

Meanwhile, Sirius did everything in his power to gain the boys' attention. He loved teasing his friends, and Remus's reactions were always the most satisfying to him.

He didn't understand why, but he proceeded to do what he did best regardless.


"Remus," James began and was immideatly silenced

"Don't start, James." Remus was like a sword, cutting his friend with his words

"Cmon, one date to make her realize all I need is one date!" he begged his friend with puppy dog eyes

"What do I get out of it?" he asked, curious as to how James would respond

Remus wanted none of the boys near his sister, and it was worse knowing James was completely and utterly whipped for her.

"I'll pay for your chocolate stash the rest of the school year and be less mopy," James offered. It was the best he could

Remus, while intrigues scoffed as if he were insulted, "That's not gonna cut it, Prongs." The boy rolled his eyes, shaking his head

James Potter was speechless. He had the utmost best intentions with Jules, and his best mate wouldn't even give him a chance to prove himself.

The smells of pumpkin pasties and chocolate frogs were strong enough to reach outside the castle. A strange combination when the four boys realised it was Jules making her way towards them with the treats in hand, they all smiled.

"Chocolates for Remus, the rest of you will have to split these." Julie spoke with a smile as she dropped the treats on the ground

Remus was quick to shove chocolate in his mouth. "Did I ever tell you I love you?" he spoke with a mouthful, causing the group to laugh

"Only when I feed you chocolate." she quipped back only to be ignored by his delight for the chocolate in his hands,

The five teens all sat there enjoying the treats and one another's company as the sun set vibrant colors. It was nice to just be out of the castle and living. Just a casual hang out with no alcohol to drive them crazy. It was perfection.

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