sit with you in the trenches

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TW: based off the cancelled concerts in Vienna. Also, please ignore any inaccuracies in references to time zones, I did my best.


"Tay, have you been on social media lately" Tree asked, sitting cross-legged next to Taylor on the leather couch in her hotel room.

Taylor had spent the day watching the Dallas Cowboys documentary on Netflix, something she had meant to watch sooner but had gotten distracted by Gossip Girl being re-added and had spent the last few weeks watching it instead. 

"No, I'm trying to stay off it. I keep seeing all this stuff about Travis and me and it's untrue but it's annoying me," Taylor said honestly. 

While most people in her position avoided social media, unless it was strictly to post work-related things, Taylor used it incessantly to lurk her fans accounts. She loved seeing their theories of when she was going to release reputation TV and, lately, she'd been watching too many edits of her and Travis. But, recently, all she was seeing was people speculating that there was trouble in paradise or soon there would be as she and Travis weren't going to see each other until the fall. While they were doing perfectly fine, missing each other but still communicating when they could, the posts were giving her anxiety. So, she was avoiding social media all together. Mostly, she was spending her days watching Netflix, writing mash-ups, and waiting to call Travis.

"Good, that's very healthy," Tree nodded. "Well, I'm just going to come right out and say this. First no ones hurt."

"That's not a very promising way to start this, Tree." Taylor's heart began pounding.

"I know, it's not great. Essentially, there's been a terrorist threat to the shows. I don't have all the details but I do know that no one had been hurt. But, they have recommended that we cancel the remaining shows." Tree's words were earnest and solemn.  

Taylor felt her world stop turning. That unsettling feeling that something extremely bad was going to happen.

"Holy shit," she said, after a minute. "Yeah, cancel them. We have to, this is horrendous."

"Okay, I'll post it on Taylor Nation. I think we'll refund the tickets for now and see where to go from here."

"I guess we have too," Taylor agreed. She had no idea what to do. What do you do when your concert, which would have been attended by sixty-thousand people, is threatened? 

Tree turned her attention to her phone and typed out a message, to the rest of her publicity team probably. Taylor grabbed her own phone, she needed to call Travis. He was her safety, her lifeline, the only person that could help her process this. She checked her World Clock app and was dismayed to see that it was two in the afternoon in Kansas City; he was surely napping. Taylor could call him, he wouldn't get upset with her, but he had been so tired lately and that was mostly her fault; he'd spent his off-season following her around until the very last second. Not wanting to disrupt him or discuss the situation over text, she typed out a few quick messages asking him to call.

Kansas City

Across the pond Travis was groggily waking up, or rather being rudely awoken, from his daily nap. He was confused at first, fuzzy and bleary-eyed, trying to sort through what woke him before he realized that it was someone knocking incessantly on his door.

"Wake up and let me in you dumbass!" The knocker, definitely Patrick, yelled through the thin wooden material separating him from the hallway. Fuck, he couldn't wait to get out of these stupid university accommodations to his personalized mattress and no Patrick Mahomes.

Travis got to his feet and staggered stiffly to the door. He unlocked it and opened it in one swift motion, charged with annoyance. As anticipated, Patrick was on the other side. His attire matched Travis', a red chiefs tshirt, black lululemon athletic shorts, hair that needs to be combed and gelled, only difference being where Patrick was wearing slides, Travis was barefoot. Patrick also looked like he too had just woken up, training camp running them both thin, their chance of survival being caffeine and afternoon naps. 

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