give you a child (pt.2)

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Enjoy part 2. I went with a different song lyric for this one but it is still the same pregnancy story:)

Being able to replace 'it' with 'she' and 'her' changed the game for Taylor and Travis as they talked between themselves about the baby, their daughter. It was no longer 'when it comes', 'is it kicking?", it was 'is she bugging her mama today', and 'hi little princess'.

As soon as they had gotten in the car, the day they found out, the naming game had started. The list was long, filled with both classic and more modern names. Travis and Taylor both agreed that while they liked the Gen Z of Emma, Amelia, Charlotte, they were too common. They were also consciousness of not picking a name that was too out there, agreeing that the name needed to fit any career their daughter could choose in her future. No one wanted their neurosurgeon to be called something like Brittayaleigh; a name Travis had jokingly suggested as they went through girl names starting with B.

"What about a season name?" Taylor suggested over breakfast one morning.

"Like Spring?" Travis questioned, he looked outside.

The sun was shining outside, March flowers springing up all over her Rhode Island property.

"Summer. She's going to be born right before summer. Or Autumn! We met in autumn, football starts in autumn, and I love autumn," Taylor explained.

"Anytime someone mentions summer or autumn she's going to think they're calling her," he pointed out.


Taylor took a bite of her syrup and whipped cream covered waffles. Sweet food had been her go to all pregnancy. Once the morning sickness had passed it had been replaced with an insatiable need for sweet. 

He took a bite of his own waffles. The maple syrup on them making him think of maple trees which made him think of nature.

"What about a nature?" Travis posited. "Maple?"

"Like maple syrup?" Taylor giggled, catching on to his train of thought.

"Another tree maybe. Could honour your girl Tree and name her after a tree!" he suggested. "Willow?"

He'd heard the name Willow once in the context of Willow Smith and he liked it. It was a pretty but solid girls name.

"Willow's also one of my songs. It's kind of a sad song," Taylor countered.

"Or a flower? Lily? Daisy?"

Taylor shook her head again. "I don't want a nature name. I feel like everyone's doing nature names these days."

Travis nodded in acknowledgement; they were common. 

"Ugh, this is going to be so hard!" Taylor exclaimed. 

"True," Travis agreed. 

He hadn't anticipated naming a baby would be this hard. While Taylor worked on her waffles and decaffeinated coffee, Travis tried to think of how people named their children. His best friend, Patrick, and his wife had kind of gone for the nature theme as well, naming their kids after different elements. Well, sort of, they'd named their son after Patrick and nicknamed him after a gemstone. Jason and Kylie had gone for names they just liked and that went with each other. Lots of people also named their kids after things that were important to them, he and Taylor could do that. There was nothing in football worth naming a girl after, but in her career it was possible.

"We could name her after one of your songs or albums? It doesn't have to be Willow."

Taylor laughed and shook her head. "Song titles don't work as names."

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