talking cradles (pt.1)

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Tw: talk of trying to conceive and birth. Somewhat descriptive language around morning sickness. 

I'm and L&D nurse so I may be getting too into the details of pregnancy. Don't pay too much attention to the timeline, it's not accurate, just rough estimates ok. This will definitely have a part 2 (it's already in the works) and possibly part 3. Let me know what you guys think!

The warmth of the sun peeping through the gaps between the drapes and the window frame wakes Taylor. She stretches, yawning, as she rolls off her stomach to look for Travis. He's still asleep next to her, eyelashes fawned across his cheekbones and breathing rhythmically. It's the third morning in a row that they've woken up together this week, but, it still feels like the first time, each morning sweeter than the last. Taylor isn't a morning person, neither is Travis, but she could be if she got to wake up like this every day. He felt the same way, he'd told her that after the first night he slept over. It's crazy to think that was almost a year ago now; it felt like she had just met him and like she'd always known him.

The sound of children playing, laughing, squealing, and parents; Brittany and Kylie's voices, travel in through the window. The window that she had left it wide open last night to welcome the cool, Rhode Island breeze off the ocean.

Taylor glances over Travis at the alarm clock on his side of the best, the side next to the window. Initially, it had been her side of the bed, hence the clock placement, but he wanted to be next to the window; "I gotta fight off the monsters before they get to you," he'd said. It was only seven-thirty. Still it made sense that she was awake, she's still adjusting to the time change after months overseas. Knowing Travis wouldn't wake for at least another hour she climbed out of bed and dressed in an oversized t-shirt and cotton shorts. After brushing her teeth and washing her face she made her way downstairs and into the yard where she had heard the kids playing.

When she gets there, there is already a steaming pot of coffee on the outdoor table, the moms had probably prepared it right away. Brittany's sitting in one of the chairs, facing the grass and sipping from a mug and Kylie is standing guard of the children. They have a bubble machine out that Taylor has never seen before, one of them must have brought it she thinks. The kid's are enthusiastically popping the bubbles. Jason's oldest daughter, dominating the game from her height and athleticism.

"Hey Tay! Welcome to the bubble party!" Kylie called back to Taylor, noticing her appearance.

Taylor chuckled and poors herself a cup of coffee; adding cream and sugar from the saucers beside the pot and mugs.

"You're up early," Brittany remarked as Taylor sat beside her. "Didn't expect anyone that doesn't have kids to be up until nine."

"Still on UK time a bit," Taylor replied, taking a sip and relishing in the flavour of the liquid.

Taylor wasn't a coffee snob but American coffee was far superior to the UK version. The English channelled all their energy into perfecting tea and neglected the bitter nectar that powered America.

Brittany nodded, knowingly. She had had her own fair share of sleepless nights and early mornings after returning from her trip overseas. It had been a rough transition for her and Patrick, especially coupled with their rambunctious toddlers and her pregnancy. Their faithful nanny had been able to soften the blow but they had still had trouble adjusting.

Over on the grass, Brittany's son had diverted his attention away from the bubble machine and was now fixated on something on the ground. He was squatting down, diaper almost coming in contact with the blades of greenery, chubby hand reaching into towards whatever had got his attention. When he withdrew his hand, Taylor could see a tiny little worm wriggling in his fingers. 

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