everything you lose is a step you take

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Takes place in January 2023 and is based off the few losses the Chiefs had during their season. The dates are not accurate, sorry.

"Trav?" Taylor called into the darkness of Travis' bedroom in his new Kansas City home. 

When no reply came, Taylor stepped into the bedroom. She could see the outline of Travis' body, facing away from her and tucked under the navy blue throw blanket that was usually hung over a near by chair. The bedroom was artificially dark, Travis must've drawn the curtains to block out the January sun that had been providing the room with natural light.

"How are you doing?" She asked, taking a seat next to him on the bed.

Travis just grunted in reply, shrugging his shoulders up and down in apparent ambivalence. Ambivalence Taylor knew was a lie. 

It was only Monday and Travis was still emotionally drained from the loss they had suffered the day before. This was only the second time his team had lost during their relationship and Travis was shutting her out. Almost completely. The night before, right after the loss, Taylor knew this loss was hitting him harder than the previous one. 

He'd seemed ok immediately after the game, accompanying Patrick to meet up with her and Brittany in the family room. They'd headed across the street to an after party dinner and Travis was almost silent the entire way. He hadn't lasted long at the dinner, feigning a headache before they even got a chance to eat; "I just need to go home and lay down. You stay, Tay,"  he'd said. Which of course she hadn't. Even with Drew's presence she wasn't quite comfortable hanging around Travis' friends alone yet. Plus, she knew the "headache" was a cop out. Very little kept him away from social events like post-game dinners, so either his headache was debilitating or it was the loss that was bothering him to the point he needed to go turtle. Whichever one it was, Taylor wanted to, no, needed to go with him. Back at the house, they ate reheated meal prep and Travis had disappeared right after Taylor cleared the dishes. 

That morning, Monday, he'd gone in for treatment and video review before she woke up. After he got home, he retreated upstairs quickly. Taylor gave him some time and then had gone up to check out the situation.

Taylor put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. When rolled onto his back and she could see the defeated look in his eyes she decided to push further into what was happening in his mind.

"What you thinking?" 

"Just the game," he sighed. 

"Still bummed about it?" she asked.

"Of course, I'm bummed" he grumbled, annoyance lacing his words.

"I know. That was a dumb question." 

"It wasn't dumb," he closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands. "I just get hung up on these things sometimes. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she said. "I get it."

Taylor leaned down to press a kiss to his lips and he kissed back. Taylor did understand why Travis was down after the loss, she got like that too, when she didn't win awards or get nominations she wanted. Being competitive in nature was a blessing and a curse. On one hand it was the gift that motivated them both to work harder than the rest but it also made them susceptible to an overwhelming sense of failure when something didn't play out as they wished.

When she pulled away from the kiss Travis gave her a small and sheepish smile; "would it be okay if I was alone for a bit. I just need to get the sulking out of my system."

"Of course," she said. "I'll be downstairs, just call if you need anything."

She leaned down to kiss him one more time and then got off the bed. 

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