Epilogue: The Melody of Our Love

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**Mehar’s POV:**

The mall is buzzing with life, people rushing from one shop to another, clutching their bags, kids pulling at their parents' hands, excited to see what's next. But for me, the world seems to slow down when I see Karan with our daughter, Karam. She's now seven years old, skipping between us, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of our little shopping adventure.

"Mumma, Papa! Look at this dress! Can I get it?" Karam excitedly said.

Her voice pulls me out of my thoughts, and I smile as she holds up a bright pink dress covered in glitter and sequins. It’s exactly the kind of thing she loves.

"Only if Papa approves. What do you think, Karan? Can we handle this much sparkle?"I answered her teasingly while looking at karan.

Karan grins, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

**Karan looked at us and turned his expressions seriously. "Well, it’s a tough call… But for our princess, I think we can make an exception. After all, who wouldn’t want to shine as brightly as she does?"

Karam giggles, clearly thrilled with his approval, and runs off to the cashier with her prize in hand. I watch her go, a mixture of love and pride swelling in my chest.

How did we get so lucky? To have her, to have each other. Our lives have been anything but ordinary, filled with challenges that could have broken us. But here we are, stronger than ever.

As we continue shopping, Karan’s hand brushes against mine, and I feel that familiar spark, the one that’s never faded despite everything we’ve been through. He’s always been my anchor, the one person who can make me laugh even when the world feels like it’s falling apart.

"You know, Mehar, I think we should get matching outfits next time. Just imagine us walking around like the perfectly coordinated family." Karan said playfully and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You mean you want us all to wear pink glittery dresses? I’d love to see that, Karan!"

He chuckles, leaning in to press a quick kiss to my cheek. Even after all these years, he still has the ability to make me blush like a schoolgirl.

Eventually, we find ourselves at a cozy little restaurant, one of our favorite spots. We settle into a booth, Karam happily occupied with her new toy bunny, which she’s now named "Sparkle."

"So, what’s the plan for Sparkle? Is she going to have adventures with your other toys?"

**Karam (giggling):** "Yes, Papa! Sparkle is going to be the queen of the castle, and all the other toys will have to listen to her!"

I watch them, my heart swelling as Karan plays along, making funny voices and silly faces that have Karam in fits of laughter. It’s in moments like these that I realize just how much I love him, how grateful I am for the life we’ve built together.

"This is our melody, the song of our lives, playing out in every laugh, every smile, every touch. It’s a tune that’s sometimes bittersweet, but it’s ours, and I wouldn’t change a single note.


**Karan’s POV:**

As we sit in the restaurcant, watching Karam laugh at my ridiculous impressions, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of contentment. This—right here, right now—this is everything I’ve ever wanted. A family, a home filled with love, and Mehar by my side.

"Who would’ve thought we’d make it this far? There were times when I wasn’t sure we’d survive the chaos, the pain. But we did. We fought for each other, for this life. And now, as I look at Mehar and Karam, I know it was all worth it."

Mehar catches my eye, and I can see that same love reflected back at me. She’s always been my strength, the one person who understands me better than anyone else. And even after all this time, she still takes my breath away.

"You know, Mehar, I think you should thank me for being such an amazing husband. I mean, look at how happy our daughter is. That’s all thanks to my incredible parenting skills." I said while teasing her.

She smirked and replied  "Oh, is that so? I think you’re forgetting who really runs this family, Mr. Karan."

I laugh, leaning in closer and said softly.

"You’re right, of course. It’s you, Mehar. It’s always been you. You’re the one who makes our house a home, who fills our lives with love and laughter. And I’m grateful every single day for that."

She smiles, and I can see the tears glistening in her eyes, though she quickly blinks them away.

She’s been through so much, but she’s still the most beautiful, strong, and amazing woman I’ve ever known. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure she never forgets how much she means to me.

Karam interrupts our moment, her face lighting up as the waiter brings our food. We dive into the meal, sharing bites and stories, laughing over memories we’ve made along the way. It’s simple, it’s perfect, and it’s everything I could’ve hoped for.

As the night winds down, we head home, Karam already half-asleep in the backseat. When we finally get her tucked into bed, I can’t help but stand there for a moment, just watching her breathe, feeling that overwhelming sense of love that only a parent can understand.

I leaned down and whispered "Goodnight, princess. Sweet dreams."

Mehar and I quietly close her door, and I pull her into my arms as we head down the hallway. There’s something so comforting about holding her, about knowing that no matter what, she’s always going to be there with me.

"I love you, Mehar. More than you’ll ever know."

She smiles up at me, her eyes filled with that familiar warmth that makes me fall in love with her all over again.

"I love you too, Karan. Forever and always."

As we walk together into our bedroom, ready to face whatever tomorrow might bring, I know that the melody of our love—our story—will continue to play on. Strong, true, and filled with the kind of happiness that only comes from loving and being loved in return.


**Mehar’s POV:**

As I drift off to sleep that night, wrapped in Karan’s arms, I think about everything we’ve been through. The trials, the tears, the laughter, and the love. It all led us here, to this moment, where our lives are intertwined so completely that I can’t imagine one without the other.

The melody of our love—it’s more than just a story. It’s our life, our journey, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever known.

And as I close my eyes, I know that whatever comes next, we’ll face it together. Because that’s what we do. That’s who we are.

Together, forever, and always.


**Author's Note:**

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who joined me on this incredible journey with Karan and Mehar. It feels surreal to have reached the end of this story, a journey that has been as emotional and fulfilling for me as I hope it was for you.

This was my first story, and it means so much to me that you took the time to read it, share your thoughts, and support me along the way. Your encouragement, even when it came with a few bites and comments, pushed me to keep going, to give my best, and to see this story through to its conclusion.

I’m truly grateful for each one of you. Completing this story has been a dream come true, and I’m so happy to have shared it with you. Here's to many more stories to come!

With love and gratitude,
[Your author

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