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**Shanaya's POV**

Well, today was... different, to say the least. So much happened today, I can't even comprehend most of it. I met THE SHUBMAN GILL—we TALKED, and he sent me a follow request from his private account. Yes, you heard that right, PRIVATE account. I'd sent him a request 2-3 years ago, even though I knew he would never accept it because, of course, he didn't know me. But now he knows I exist—how cool is that, right? It's just been an hour since Mehar and I returned from the café, and I'm already over the moon.

Have I been annoying Mehar for the past hour about the fact that I met Shubman Gill? Yes. Am I sorry for it? No way. I can't get his smile out of my head. He was so sweet, and all the rumors about him are bullshit for sure because there's no way this is the guy who's supposed to be a playboy and a rich brat. He talked to us with calm and ease and never made us feel out of place like most famous people would. He even talked to me about his problem, and I HELPED HIM. If I told this to 20-year-old Shanaya, she would genuinely not believe it—not in a million years.

Good things happen, right? And I'm glad I got to meet my favorite today (after Virat Kohli, of course). See, I don't know if I'm delusional, but he did kinda flirt with me. He did, right? There's also a probability that I made this flirting part up in my head because of the million fanfics I've read about him on Wattpad. Maybe he was just being nice? But telling you you're his cutest fan isn't just being nice, Shanaya. Or is it?

Paagal ho gayi hu main. It hasn't even been a day, and I'm already thinking of us together. He doesn't like you or maybe doesn't even consider you a friend. It's not like you've met a thousand times that he'll consider you close. But he did send you a follow request, didn't he? But woh toh Mehar ko bhi bheji hai. Yaar, why so much overthinking? Just stop this and focus on the presentation tomorrow. Zairah and I have to present our idea to this big company tomorrow, and if they like it, they might sponsor us. I hope we get this; it would really boost our image and make us more known.

While all these thoughts were running through my head, Mehar was cooking us dinner. A nice white sauce pasta is all I wanted right now, and with Mehar's cooking skills, it's perfection. "Don't eat it, it's too—"

"Oh shit, oh shit, my mouth's burning!" I said. I should've listened to Mehar on that. We ate dinner and talked about our meeting with Shubman today. She showed me his interview, and it looked so real. He's just a simple guy, and after all, he's like all of us. He seemed so calm the entire interview, and yes, I did notice his smile grow during the time he talked about cricket, his friends, and his family. Such a cutie he is (Paagal ho gayi hu mai). I have to meet him at Akash's party. I hope I don't embarrass myself there like I did during the few minutes of our chat.

"And oh you—" Thank God I didn't complete that sentence; otherwise, I would've made a complete fool out of myself. Thanks to Mehar, who quietly pinched me, and I stopped blabbering. I can't think about anything else because my mind is just fogged with the thoughts of whatever happened today, and although talking about it is all I'm doing, I can't seem to stop. Yes, I did stalk his account, and yes, he looks either super cute or super hot in every picture. I can tell he probably doesn't have a girlfriend since his account is basically him and the team or him with his family. I found a really cute candid of him and Virat Kohli where they were arguing about something, maybe, and made pouty faces at each other. So cute, man.

It's already so late, and with the presentation tomorrow, I decided to go to sleep while Mehar was editing Shubman's interview. Today was something special, and I hope the presentation goes great tomorrow. Zairah and I have been working hard to get sponsorship from this big company, and we've finally got an appointment for tomorrow evening.

After waking up early in the morning for once, I had breakfast and called Zairah to go through the final changes in the presentation. We wanted everything to be perfect. This is what we'd dreamt of for such a long time, and it's finally happening. I took a quick shower and booked a cab to Zairah's place. She wasn't that far, just a 10-minute drive, so I didn't really notice when we reached there. I knocked at the door and was greeted by her dad. He showed me towards her room where she was already freaking out about what to wear today. I've known Zairah for a long time but have hardly met her two to three times. She's a beautiful girl with brown eyes and a perfect profile to get all the boys behind her. But she's not into dating, so bye-bye, guys.

"You're finally here. I was waiting for sooo long," Zairah said, practically screaming at me.

"I'm not late; it's 11:30, see," I said, showing her my phone.

"Well, every minute seemed like an hour then." Makes sense, though—she had all the right to be nervous and freak out because the meeting was in half an hour. Zairah lived with her parents, so her dad drove us to the location of the interview.

"All the best, kids, you can do this," he said with an encouraging smile.

"Thanks, uncle."
"Thanks, Dad," we said in unison.

Well, here we were in front of the building that would somewhat decide the future of our soon-to-be company. We both walked in with confidence to the room where our interview would take place. We greeted all the officials and started with the presentation. It went on very smoothly, with both of us pouring our hearts out into it, speaking each word with sheer confidence. The officials informed us that they needed some time and would let us know by tomorrow. I was happy with our presentation and hoped the officials would be too. Since Zairah had to go somewhere directly, I told her that I'd take a cab. She gave me an understanding nod and left. I was on a call with Mehar, telling her about our presentation while walking down the stairs. I was so engrossed in talking to her that I didn't realize someone was in a hurry, and we both collided with all of our stuff falling on the ground.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," I heard a familiar voice say, and when I looked up, my guess was correct.


"Shanaya, is that you?"

I'm not so happy with this one but I had to make them meet somehow so here it is chapter 6. Let me know if you want something to happen I'll keep that in mind
And we're almost on 400 reads wow man. Thankyou for all the support

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