"Chapter Four"

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Chapter Four:


After running a few errands, Aiden and Tristen got back into the car. A few silent moments followed before Tristen spoke.

"So what exactly happened out there? I just heard that two players got disqualified, and then I had to find out it was you and Colten." he glances over at Aidem and saw that he was tense.

"Yeah, he pushed me out of the way just as I was about to score! And the damn coach disqualified us both for something he did!" Aiden's fingers gripped into the passenger seat..

"It's not first time you two have tackled each other during a game..."

"Yeah yeah, I know... Where were you anyway?"

"I had some extra classes in Math, nothing major. That's when I heard what-"

"Did you see that other guy when you came out?"

"What guy? Are you sure you're alright? This thing didn't just start with Colten... I think it's time you tell me everything, and I mean everything. Don't just say it's nothing, I've known you my whole life..." Tristen took a turn out of the shopping centre parking lot and started making way towards his home.

"Nevermind, forget about the guy. First tell me, why do we have to go see your mom?"

"You will find out soon enough. First you have to tell me whats going on, and start from the beginning..."

"Fine, it all started in kindergarden, but you know that, it wasn't just Colten, you're right. I have always had this unexplained anger inside me. Helena and Trent only make it worse by not telling me what's going on... Tristen, I can feel it, I am not normal, something isn't right, it never was..."

"What exactly are you talking about? I know the fact that that you always say your family hides stuff from you. But your anger has never been this out of control..."

"Remember the day at the bakery?"

"Yeah, when you wanted to kill me... By the way, did your uncle say yes to the party thing?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that. He did say yes...but not right away... He said I can have my party, but he warned me..."


"He just said 'dont say I didn't warn you... I do not know what he meant by that. But anyway, about that day, that was the day things got worse than ever. My eyes, when you noticed, changed, I tried to talk it away. It's happening more and more. It even got red this morning! This anger inside me was raging like a fire that got fuel or something... Eversince then, I've been getting these bad dreams, like I'm being chased, it gets worse every time, so does the headaches..."

"So the nightmares are about what exactly?"

"This dark creature chases me, but he interacts with me like it's not a dream, like its real. The other night it attacked me. When I woke up, my hands and feet were dirty and there were faint marks on my chest.."

"What? That's just creepy... So what does it mean exactly?"

"I don't know!" his anger flared and it almost made Tristen loose control of the car when Aiden slammed his hand onto the dashboard.

"Don't do that! For goodness sake! I come in peace... And this is a new car! My mom would kill me if it needs repairs on the first week I have it."

"Sorry. I don't know what got into me... This is exactly what I'm talking about..." he took a few seconds to gather himself as he took a deep breath.. "I think I sleepwalk while having these dreams...? Damn it Tristen, what if I'm some kind of monster, what if I am not even human. Sometimes I think that Helena and Trent aren't my family, not my blood."

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