Chapter 1

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Angel was living with her grandmother since she was seventeen and her own mother kicked her out and then abandoned her, leaving to another Country. All that happened just because she kissed a girl, Scarlett Thomas, which her mother didn't approve. Luckily, Angel's grandma wasn't so conservative, and she took her in, creating a home for both of them.

Before the kiss, she had no clue Scarlett liked her that way. But after that first kiss, they have been dating until the Graduation, the whole year and a half. Later, they broke up, agreeing they were too different to continue with their relationship and their relationship always had a abusive way to it that made Angel cringe of the memory. Scarlett found another girlfriend in High School, but Angel never even tried. She didn't see a point.

She was living in a small town, called Rose County. There were almost no schools or kids. People usually picked this town for vacations, rather than for living. With her blue eyes, long blonde hair with soft curls. Angel always loved her own body, and many people would agree that she was a natural beauty. She played on the guitar and loved to work at her bookstore, down at the Strange Creek Rd. And who wouldn't want a cozy bookstore to settle in and relax after a long day? She adored that small place with all her heart.

She liked to be alone, as she never believed in love like you can read about in the books, nor she never saw a point in it. When any guy attempted to have her, she pushed him away immediately. She thought about them as useless creatures, thinking of that icky thing between their legs. Yuck! Of course, even though she wasn't in any relationship, she wasn't alone. She had a really good friend, Shauna Meigs, who worked in her store, and Angel could always rely on her. Unfortunately, the only thing they had in common were a book. They tried to talk about other things too, like school, friends, relationships, political views and such, but Angel never felt like she can give her the number of her cell to hang out after work.


"Do I seriously have to go on this date? I mean seriously what if he's like the last one?" Jana complained to Destiny, who was her best friend for more than fifteen years.

"Girl, I have already settled down and had a child, you need to give this guy a chance. Heck who knows, Gunther could be the one. Did you ever think of that?" Destiny tried to support and encouraged her friend as they were getting Jana ready.

Jana rolled her gray eyes then looked herself in the mirror. Her short, brunette hair barely touched her shoulders. She always loved to go out with her friends, but dates were something entirely else. She sighed.

"Gunther looks nice, but it's only one date. I don't believe I can find the one just like that. For all we know, he could be a stalker or even a murderer."

Destiny got a laugh out of that response. Jana was sometimes melodramatic, she wondered how she even got through her life.

"You know Jana, if you would prefer a woman, I do know someone that would make it worth your while."

Jana turned away from the mirror and raised an eyebrow at her friend. That was the most ridiculous proposal she has ever heard.

"I'm straight, and you know it. I'm not going to date a woman because you find it amusing to assume I'm so phobic about men. Don't even try to convince me."

Destiny shrugged. "Suit yourself. Just don't be so judgmental about Gunther. He doesn't deserve that, and all you know, he could be worth it."

Jana heard the doorbell ring. She jerked her head to the sound and quickly answered. "You got me there, but it still doesn't mean anything."

She went to answer the door. Just as she expected, there was Gunther. He was in a black suit with a red tie, which made Jana think they are unintentionally matching. She wore a lovely red dress that fit her body perfectly.

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