Chapter 14

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Angel called around for a job, so did Jana because they didn't have time to worry about a so called "marriage" and foreclosure on her grandmother's house that should have been taking care of but Angel knew she would have to file for divorce from where she is with hopes Scarlett abides by it because she would love to marry Jana some day. Angel took deep breaths every hour as she tried to find ways to solve everything in one day but that seemed impossible because no lawyer wanted to give Angel the benefit that she married someone without knowing and it went round and round all day.

After several passing hours Angel gave up until her cell phone rang it read a number from Texas which seemed quite odd that someone would be calling her from Texas so nervously she picked up.

"Hello, who is this?" Angel said into the phone.

"Angel it is Scarlett, chick I can't believe this happened to you and I am very sorry. If you have been trying to find a lawyer for our so called "marriage" don't because they put the wrong name on the paperwork. I am sorry someone, somehow screwed it up because when I have received everything. See, thing is me and Annabel Hudson just got married. Well when we went to file paperwork over your grandma's house they put it in my name claiming I owned it in which I never have owned any property. So, yeah, when me and her marriage certificates came back someone put you instead and we have tried to legally fix everything including with your grandma's house. Who came by the house to tell you about our supposed "marriage"?" Scarlett explained as fast as she could losing her breath between sentences.

"Scarlett, first off congratulations on your marriage to Annabel. Second, it was Ashton, she said that we got married back in 2012 but we only dated from the time we got out of school then that is when you started dating Annabel like years after that." Angel explained to her best ability.

"Angel, Ashton is a total bitch lets put that out there. I can guarantee you that bitch messed up everything and made it seem like we were married instead of who we are actually with, I am going to check online files and get this sorted out. I will see you at the reunion in two years and remember don't get hitched right away, laugh out loud, just kidding. Goodbye Angel." Scarlett hung up before Angel could speak anymore.

Angel shook her head then explained everything to Jana that it was just a mess up and Scarlett is fixing it all. By the next several days everything did clear up and they were back to working on a normal schedule again, nothing got between them. They still hadn't figured out what else to do with their life beside work and keep the house up plus make sure their spark didn't fade. They had date nights every weekend when they weren't exhausted. Jana always wondered what could make their relationship more delightful though they have been promised to one another for almost three years by summer time but she needed more with Angel.

Jana came home from work one evening finding Angel sound asleep on the couch they are working too much and need time together. Jana knew that it is the weekend time to go to dinner, go roam around stores to get what is needed, come home watch television, and head to bed. It is a normal routine that seems to be an boring pattern. They haven't even discussed a future of marriage because they don't have time. Jana shut off the television took Angel's glass to the kitchen and then just sat at the dining room table trying to figure out what to do with herself while Angel rests.

After a while Jana went and got a shower to rinse off the filth of work from working hard in the bakery downtown. Jana just felt so tired because she couldn't figure out after almost three years together they weren't engaged or even close to marriage, she felt like they were being torn apart because of trying to save money to rebuild their life back to normal from Michigan. She knew their relationship needed to be more than what it is, she remembered the struggle she had back in Michigan with accepting the fact that exploring a woman isn't a bad thing, and she enjoyed every minute with Angel. Jana still didn't know her sexuality at this point because she hadn't been around a man in years it felt like and Angel has shown her every part of loving a woman possible but she couldn't expect to know what she would represent herself as if someone asked.

Jana got herself washed up, dressed, left a note for Angel, and headed out the door. She desperately needed time to think things through especially with the seriousness of their relationship. It has eaten at her that she isn't married to Angel by now. Though she had no idea if Angel even thought about marrying her, she should talk to Angel about her fighting emotions but she knew that Angel would be too busy wrapped up in making the paper go by faster because of deadlines. It wasn't their fault for being so busy it is just how the world spins but they do need more than work and more involvement with one another. Jana needed a reason for them to get away for just a whole two weeks away from work and home life because it is just to plain for them now, let alone living together without any sexual interactions is bothering her too when they first got together they couldn't stand to keep their hands away but she may just leave for a while until she felt it is time to revive what they had. A good gap apart is a bad thing but it also makes someone else realize how much they mean to them.

Jana headed back to the house since she decided it is best to leave Angel alone until it is time to rebuild again because if they eventually plan to marry this has to work for the better especially when they are apart. As she arrived in the driveway, she found a note on the door, she rushed over to it peeling it off the door as it read:


I have packed up and left to go back to Michigan. This is for the better our relationship isn't what it used to be. We don't deserve one another especially living like this just working day in and day out. I will always love you but it is time to find ourselves someone else to love. If you do not find happiness, I do apologize just know our friendship still means everything. I am going back to work with Shauna since she already knows our situation. Goodbye Jana!

Love always,

Angel Nicole Knight

Jana stood there staring at the letter with her heart starting to break, she knew Angel loved her but she knew it is best to be apart for the sake of their friendship though they still loved each other it wasn't enough to hold a bond. Jana folded the letter up placing it inside her jacket as she unlocked her door seeing that Angel still left everything in their home. She rushed upstairs to find Angel emptied her dresser drawer and took her bathroom items, so she knew Angel would return eventually. They just needed a breather that is all they needed, Angel will come home they can't be without each other. Hell, she'll never take the promise ring off it is their symbol of love.

Jana grabbed her bag of things then headed to her mom's house. She didn't want to be trapped in memories of their love and missing Angel's surroundings. She needed to do this for their sake if and when they are ready their love will bond once more with marriage to come at the doorstep. So, she left their truck in the driveway in case she needed it to go over and use it then walked over two doors down to her mom's.

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